Kip’s Comments - October 5, 2023
Good Job Jordan…Thank You!
A local Eagle Scout Project is nearly complete as Jordan sets signs along the Cedar, Shell Rock, and Wapsipinicon Rivers in Bremer County.
This signage will be a big help to those using the rivers for paddling or boating (if/when/where possible) when locations are not known. And, the signs include technology…
Kip’s Comments - October 3, 2023
Wildlife to See
Assuming you can get out before the sun sets, which is happening far too early now, you may still see wildlife. Tonight I saw painted turtles on a log, turkey vultures, and…
Kip’s Comments - October 2, 2023
Oh Criminy Sakes
Many Internet sources list suggested gift themes for each year of wedded bliss. I don’t know about you, but we seldom (never) follow that. On this special night, the eve of our 42nd wedding anniversary, I looked up the suggestion - clock or watches. Really…. Oh criminy sakes… we have watches, we have our phones, and we have plenty of other ways to tell time. We don’t need watches or clocks.
What my bride and I need is something to help us…
Kip’s Comments - September 30 and October 1, 2023
“Best Day Ever”
When you hear those words from a grandchild, it is possible you have done something right - at least for a day.
Over this past weekend the boys have ridden in a combine harvesting beans (Thanks Lowell!), rode the 4-wheeler (Thanks Jason!), crossed the suspension bridge…
Kip’s Comments - September 29, 2023
Not Much Today
Time did not provide for moments to do much more than check the status of the vegetation. While walking, I found this red-legged grasshopper. Maybe there will be more tomorrow.
Kip’s Comments - September 28, 2023
Simulating a Desire
Work is not allowing me to get away to the wilderness right now, so I decided to simulate a trip - at least the sleeping arrangements. This setting was…
Kip’s Comments - September 27, 2023
Not What I Planned
Tonight when I went on the water I had no idea there would be a near-full moon rising. I attempted a few compositions I had not tried before, but they did not work as I intended. If time works tomorrow evening, I will be out again.
Since my “planned” photos did not work…
Kip’s Comments - September 26, 2023
The Hours of Darkness
Over the past couple of evenings, after it was dark out, I have been seen roaming flowers and CRP in search of insects, moths, or blossoms. I found several and now wonder…
Kip’s Comments - September 25, 2023
Not The Picture, But the Technique
One dilemma I have had for years is how to reduce my camera gear weight without dropping my image quality. Specifically, is there any way to shoot long exposure images without carrying a tripod? Can I make something work to achieve that goal without the weight?
Here at home I have experimented with using a combination of my backpack and monopod (or walking stick with a head) with a combination of pack straps and angles on the monopod. With a short lens can I make that work? What about a long lens?
Today I did a real world test using my…
Kip’s Comments - September 24, 2023
On This Day
On this day 32-years ago our family lost a most interesting fellow - my step-dad Ray. For a long time I had encouraged him to go canoeing with me, always being told if he was going to be on the water it would be in a boat with a motor. On September 24, 1991 Ray agreed to go canoeing with me after lunch. We loaded fishing tackle in my aluminum canoe and carried it down to the river, below the bridge on “Old Highway 63,” on the Bremer-Chickasaw county line. There Ray spoke his last words… “Oh Kip, I am so dizzy.” Ray then slumped forward into the canoe in full cardiac arrest.
Through EMS I had performed CPR before, but this was the first time on a family member, under a bridge, all alone. After what seemed like eternity a car came down the road. I stopped CPR and flagged down the driver to ask for help. His response… “I don’t know how…” That was OK - the driver then went for help. But help arrived to late and I don’t know that it would have made an difference.
Kip’s Comments - September 23, 2023
Messing With a GoPro and Plants To Know
During my paddle this morning I was not seeing too much. The gray sky even made typical “from the seat of the canoe” pictures boring. So, to pass the time I pulled out my GoPro to play around.
Video from a GoPro is usually pretty good. Still pictures often….
Kip’s Comments - September 22, 2023
Autumn Moments on Wapsipinicon River
Ready or not, the seasons are changing. Blistering heat is slowly giving way to cooler temperatures and even cloudy skies that hint of rain.
I spent some time this morning documenting the ongoing transition. Some of the images…
Kip’s Comments - September 21, 2023
Scary Snorts
While walking through a nearby timber today several loud, aggressive sounding snorts stopped me in my tracks. The first sound made me think I was in the presence of a large, defensive whitetail buck. Subsequent snorts confused me as their source seemed to be from high in a tree. Then I saw the source…
Kip’s Comments - September 20, 2023
3-Miles or 103-Miles
As someone who is always watching for nature or outdoor photography opportunities, it is very easy to get into the “grass is greener” mindset. By that I mean I could believe that to see things I need to travel. Yes, for some subjects that would be correct. But, for wildlife I am blessed to have an ever-changing variety to enjoy just 3-miles away.
This morning I put my canoe on the water on the Wapsipinicon River at Frederika and enjoyed numerous wildlife encounters. Most remarkable was…
Kip’s Comments - September 19, 2023
Urban Wildlife Sanctuary
This morning I explored from the seat of my canoe one of my favorite urban wildlife sanctuaries - Big Woods Lake in Cedar Falls. Not only did I see what I would consider “normal” wildlife for the area most times of the year, but I also found a very curious…
Kip’s Comments - September 18, 2023
Do Great Blue Herons Belch After Gorging?
Unexpected splashing and movement caught my attention this morning when I found a great blue heron rendering a good sized sucker (fish) quiet and breakfast-worthy. The heron knew I was nearby in a canoe, but did not chance losing this meal.
I did not realize how aggressive a heron could be until I watched this action. First the heron skewered the sucker. Then it…
Kip’s Comments - September 16 and 17, 2023
Exploring Maquoketa Caves State Park
Wow, what a weekend! Kristy and I spent the last couple days with family exploring Maquoketa Caves State Park. From crawling through tight, muddy passages to hiking miles of trails, to Dutch oven cooking… what fun!
Kip’s Comments - September 15, 2023
One Loop Around
Time limitations and a personal agenda meant I allowed myself one paddle around the island on the Wapsipinicon River near our cabin. With a short duration outing, I did not expect to see much, but I did.
One highlight was a…
Kip’s Comments - September 14, 2023
Then She Was Gone
I have seen this whitetail doe so many times this spring, summer, and now fall that I almost expect to see her each time I drive this road. Lately, maybe for the past two weeks, neither of her fawns…
Kip’s Comments - September 13, 2023
“What Were You Doing in the Dark?”
During the very early morning hours of today Kristy mentioned we had fog. With those words I headed to the cabin so I could experience the phenomenon from the seat of my canoe.
Once on the water I quickly realized there was less fog than I anticipated, but I remained on the water for a pleasant paddling experience.
I shot a number of pictures while paddling. Some will be shared below. If time allows I may put together a video of the outing.