Kip’s Comments - September 13, 2023

“What Were You Doing in the Dark?”

During the very early morning hours of today Kristy mentioned we had fog. With those words I headed to the cabin so I could experience the phenomenon from the seat of my canoe.

Once on the water I quickly realized there was less fog than I anticipated, but I remained on the water for a pleasant paddling experience anyway.

I shot a number of pictures while paddling. Some will be shared below. If time allows I may put together a video of the outing.

By the way, after pulling my canoe off the water my neighbor asked “ What were you doing in the dark?” He saw that I got an early start!

Note: Most pictures shot at a high ISO due to low light levels.

Trumpeter Swans on Wapsipinicon River - Image 842124

White Feather on Wapsipinicon River - Image 842256

Great Blue Heron on Wapsipinicon River - Image 841920

Great Blue Heron on Wapsipinicon River - Image 841907

Monkeyflower Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 841840

Green Heron on Wapsipinicon River - Image 842021

Turkey Vulture Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 842192

Beggarticks Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 841839

American Basswood Leaf and Seed - Image 842286

Clam on Wapsipinicon River - Image 841887

Northern Water Thrush - Image 842096

Maple Leaf on Wapsipinicon - Image 842295


Kip’s Comments - September 14, 2023


Kip’s Comments - September 12, 2023