Kip’s Comments - September 14, 2023

Then She Was Gone

I have seen this whitetail doe so many times this spring, summer, and now fall that I almost expect to see her each time I drive this road. Lately, maybe for the past two weeks, neither of her fawns have been with her. There are no marks on the road or carcasses attracting vultures, so I don’t know what happened to them.

Tonight she watched me watching her, flicked her ears, and bounded off. Look at the size of her. Think of the damage to a vehicle that is likely to happen if she doesn’t soon take a fondness to a feeding area further off the road. Worse yet, imagine her meeting a motorcycle on the road. As much as I enjoyed riding mine, these things are one of several reasons why I no longer ride a motorcycle.

Whitetail Deer in Bean Field - Image 842333

Whitetail Deer in Bean Field - Image 842336

Whitetail Deer in Bean Field - Image 842339


Kip’s Comments - September 15, 2023


Kip’s Comments - September 13, 2023