Kip’s Comments - September 25, 2023

Not The Picture, But the Technique

One dilemma I have had for years is how to reduce my camera gear weight without dropping my image quality. Specifically, is there any way to shoot long exposure images without carrying a tripod? Can I make something work to achieve that goal without the weight?

Here at home I have experimented with using a combination of my backpack and monopod (or walking stick with a head) with a combination of pack straps and angles on the monopod. With a short lens can I make that work? What about a long lens?

Today I did a real world test using my Nikon 200-500mm on my monopod with my backpack for stability. Could I do what I wanted…sort of? Would I count on this arrangement…I don’t think so. Still, I was able to shoot a number of pictures at low ISO and a long shutter speed. The photo below is one view. This is not so much to show a beautiful image, but to show I could stop movement without a tripod.

I’ll be honest, I was not confident in this approach and will go back to the drawing board. It could be that this doesn’t really matter since I won’t be carrying my long lens with me when I backpack anyway. For canoeing - yes, but not backpacking. The long lens is too heavy for carrying while hiking with a pack.

Anyway, here it is - that one image that showed I can make the combination of a camera backpack and a monopod work.

Rock, Water, and Autumn Leaves - Image 846480


Kip’s Comments - September 26, 2023


Kip’s Comments - September 24, 2023