Kip’s Comments - September 23, 2023

Messing With a GoPro and Plants To Know

During my paddle this morning I was not seeing too much. The gray sky even made typical “from the seat of the canoe” pictures boring. So, to pass the time I pulled out my GoPro to play around.

Video from a GoPro is usually pretty good. Still pictures often leave me with much to be desired. I expected today that any still pictures I kept from the GoPro would need to be strongly edited. And, while I was editing them, I thought I might as well really work with them.

I am going to share some of the pictures below. Details are in the captions.

Camera Close to Water - Image 846256 (Reference Image)

Camera Close to Water - Image 846256 (Old Film Effect)

Camera Close to Water - Image 846256 (Solarized Effect)

I worked with a couple of paddle images too. Straight out of the camera files were “Yuck!” (I removed fish-eye effect from both followed by setting brightness, color saturation, and hue.) I did like the effects of the paddle blade on the water. A paddler does not see the stop action water movement under normal conditions.

Paddle in Water - Image 846296

Paddle in Water - Image 846320

I have been asked a couple of times what the bright red plants are on trunks of trees. Usually, this time of year, the plants with bright red leaves are Virginia creepers. Another vining plant that turns red is poison ivy. Virginia creeper has five leaves; poison ivy has three leaves (Leaves of three, let them be.) If in doubt, do not touch.

Red Virginia Creeper Leaves - Image 846351

Poison Ivy Berries - Image 846384 (Note the leaves turning red and the berries)


Kip’s Comments - September 24, 2023


Kip’s Comments - September 22, 2023