Kip’s Comments - October 5, 2023

Good Job Jordan…Thank You!

A local Eagle Scout Project is nearly complete as Jordan sets signs along the Cedar, Shell Rock, and Wapsipinicon Rivers in Bremer County.

This signage will be a big help to those using the rivers for paddling or boating (if/when/where possible) when locations are not known. And, the signs include technology - a QR code - that will take users to water trail map page on the Internet.

Good job Jordan and crew! The signs are a nice feature along the rivers.

Water Trail Sign - Image 847276

And now for something completely different… When I could not sleep early this morning I went out to try to photograph something interesting in the night sky while I watered trees. In the darkness I did not see a ribbon of clouds move in, but my camera caught it.

Night Sky - Image 847268


Kip’s Comments - October 6, 2023


Kip’s Comments - October 3, 2023