Kip’s Comments - September 12, 2023
From a Distance to Up Close
As I approached a building near Otter Creek today I noticed, from a distance, an interesting plant I have seen only a few times. Later I approached closer, documenting the plant from far away to very near.
This is “pokeweed,” a plant touted as being toxic…
Kip’s Comments - September 11, 2023
Paddle, Paddle, Pause, Watch
During my morning outing on the Wapsipinicon River I traveled slower than normal. I would paddle a couple of times and then pause to look around. I did not see anything I have not seen before, but what I did find was…
Kip’s Comments - September 10, 2023
Two Views of Clear Lake and Discouraging View of Sweet Marsh
Kristy and I joined friends to camp at Clear Lake State Park this weekend. I knew headed up there knowing that the lake is very popular for fishing and boating - meaning there was plenty of big water. I, on the other hand, prefer shallow water or marshy conditions. I just see so much more where there is habitat for wildlife to hide.
Friday evening I scouted…
Kip’s Comments - September 9, 2023
Be Glad You Weren’t Following Me
Early this morning, as I was headed to go out on the water, I noticed a flock of wild turkeys on a hillside. Behind them was a fast rising sun. I stopped, backed up, moved forward, backed up, inched forward and finally found a composition I liked. Without easily seeing details…
Kip’s Comments - September 8, 2023
A Brush With Fame at the Great Body Shop to the North
Much of today I spent time with a family member at the great body shop to the north. You take your worn, your tired, your challenged body to that shop and if there is anything that can be done, they will do it. Sometimes the results are not what we want and other times the results are more than we deserve. Such is medicine and faith.
While there I met a fellow as I was walking out of a rest room. We were both sharing how our day was going and how much traveling we had left before nightfall. When he told me he was from Northern Wisconsin I asked about the Porkies (further to the north) and other areas where I have explored or backpacked. One thing led to another and he revealed he was a curler. “A curler? Like they…
Kip’s Comments - September 7, 2023
Practicing Patience
I have mentioned in the past how my wife and I have planted some ground in CRP pollinator habitat. In essence, we are trying to do something I have wanted to do for years - create a prairie.
This summer may not have been the best timing for prairie planting. We have had very little rain, temperatures have been hot, the ground is hard as a rock, and nothing is promoting germination. I would be lying if I said…
Kip’s Comments - September 6, 2023
Me and Not Quite Kermit
It is not often a frog makes me smile and almost laugh out loud, but that happened this morning.
I woke very early, before sunrise, and began watering our windbreak trees and shrubs. Timing was perfect for me as I made my way to our east border. It was there, as the sun was now trying to burn through clouds and mist to light the landscape, that I…
Kip’s Comments - September 5, 2023
Grow Before You Squeeze Me
If you are comfortable around snakes, this might bring a chuckle.
This morning I was in an office where staff told me about a snake being found in the building and relocated. That was interesting… how did the snake get into the building, how long had it been there, and other questions run through your mind.
As I was leaving I passed through the entry way between the outside and the offices. Wouldn’t you know it, there was…
Kip’s Comments - September 4, 2023
A Fen Walk - Wildflower Photography
This morning I tried to beat the heat when I went on a walk in a fen. As expected, temperatures warmed quickly and the fen walk - while enjoyable - was challenging.
I wasn’t sure if or how our drought might impact fen plants. To my surprise, I did not notice much difference from other years. There were many plants with considerable variety to keep this wildflower photographer occupied for a couple of hours.
While photographing the wildflowers I…
Kip’s Comments - September 3, 2023
Drought = Easy Pickings for Shorebirds
I may be wrong, but it certainly appears to me that the shorebirds are making the best of our drought. What remains of shallow, isolated pools of water tend to host fish and amphibians that shorebirds - like green herons - recognize. I watched this one eat many times in a half-hour time span. No fish was safe from this heron.
Kip’s Comments - September 2, 2023
A Canoe and a Camera - Wapsipinicon River - Frederika
After a terrible night of sleep (if you call it that - multiple phone calls and acorns falling on the roof troubling the dog), I finally got up for a while to photograph the night sky over the river. Just a few hours later I finally got up and stayed up. Since I was up early, I thought I might as well go paddling to see what I might find and photograph leftover from the wild evening activities.
Today my critter count…
Kip’s Comments - September 1, 2023
A Canoe and a Camera - Big Woods Lake Green Herons
Imagine my thrill when, just minutes after beginning a canoe outing with no expectations, I find a very, very tolerant green heron. Of course I spent considerable time with the bird and, as I was watching it, I noticed a…
Kip’s Comments - August 31, 2023
How Do They Know?
Over the past few years Kristy and I have planted 40-60 trees and shrubs in an effort to establish a windbreak and to provide wildlife habitat. These same past few years we have not received much rain - to the point we are in extreme drought category. As a result, we are watering every few days. On watering days, it takes several hours, but the time and water investment will be worth it if we can nurse the trees through this dry spell.
As I was watering today, at three trees I had…
Kip’s Comments - August 30, 2023
Recording Light
Anyone who watches the evening sky hopefully saw the August Super Blue Moon rising over the horizon tonight. The celestial event coincided with my monthly “Full Moon Paddle.”
After I got off the water I...
Kip’s Comments - August 29, 2023
Waking With an Idea
After experiencing the smooth as glass water on the Wapsipinicon River yesterday morning, I have been thinking about some picture ideas based on expanding on that theme. I must have been really dwelling on the idea in my subconscious mind since…
Kip’s Comments - August 28, 2023
Beware the Right Leg and an Invitation and a Buxx
While driving today I spotted this red-tailed hawk with what appears to be a lame left leg. The leg never moved and the talons appear to be hanging. If I am correct, the right leg is probably wicked strong since it does all of the work - from grasping a perch to grabbing prey. Good luck hawk!
Early this morning, just after sunrise, I checked…
Kip’s Comments - August 27, 2023
A Canoe and a Camera - Morning Observations
I spent a couple of hours paddling and looking around this morning as I listened to church. Several photo-worthy compositions presented themselves, so I recorded them. See many of the pictures at this video (set to music): A Canoe and a Camera - Morning Observations
I will share a sampling below.
Kip’s Comments - August 26, 2023
Winneshiek Waterfalls
Today Kristy and I spent much of the day exploring Winneshiek County’s two natural waterfalls. Much of our time was spent at Malanaphy Springs. This waterfall requires a 25-minute or so hike into the falls, but the effort is well worth it. After Malanaphy Springs, we then checked out Dunning Springs in Decorah. To access Dunning Springs involves only a short walk from the parking lot.
Kip’s Comments - August 25, 2023
Heavy on the Cute
After the rain today I was visited by a hungry chipmunk. I watched as over and over the little thing loaded its mouth with acorns and then removed the caps, the shells, and ate the meat.
Chipmunks can be trouble if they gain access to where they are not supposed to be. But when they are…
Kip’s Comments - August 24, 2023
Backyard Predator
While watering trees this morning as the sun was coming up, many funnel spider webs were visible. Unless a person is out looking around when the sun is low on the horizon, you may not realize how many of the silky funnels are around you. Check your yard… you may have…