Kip’s Comments - September 8, 2023

A Brush With Fame at the Great Body Shop to the North

Much of today I spent time with a family member at the great body shop to the north. You take your worn, your tired, your challenged body to that shop and if there is anything that can be done, they will do it. Sometimes the results are not what we want and other times the results are more than we deserve. Such is medicine and faith.

While there I met a fellow as I was walking out of a rest room. We were both sharing how our day was going and how much traveling we had left yet before nightfall. When he told me he was from Northern Wisconsin I asked about the Porkies (further to the north) and other areas where I have explored or backpacked. One thing led to another and he revealed he was a curler. “A curler? Like they have on the Olympics? On the ice curler?” The smile on his face was huge and the words began flowing. He told me all about the sport, how challenging it is, and what to expect - among many other things. I was so surprised I reached out and we shook hands. Folks, I have shaken the hand of a real live curler!

Now this might not seem like much or may not resemble fame, but think about it. How many curlers do you know? How many curlers have you shaken hands with. How many have you met in a bathroom? This was fun and so very interesting that really, it was one of the high points of my day (so far). And after speaking with him, I am anxious to watch curling competition now that I know more about it. Curling is much more than adults sliding something on the ice and sweeping in front of it… much more!

This picture has nothing to do with going north or curling. It shows a plant that is not welcome in our weed patch (aka - First Year Pollinator Habitat). Nature’s Velcro… cocklebur is the name.

Common Cocklebur - Image 840495


Kip’s Comments - September 9, 2023


Kip’s Comments - September 7, 2023