Kip’s Comments - August 7, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 7, 2024

A Day at The Park

… They are HOOKED

Today I don’t need to type too many words. The pictures show the happiness these two experienced with their Gramps.

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Kip’s Comments - August 6, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 6, 2024

One Walk, Several Topics

Fortunately the drizzle our day began with fizzled out to a day of sun breaking through a cloudy sky - with wind. The combination made for pleasant hiking at Sweet Marsh. While there I shot some video and some photos.

If my identification skills and a birding app are correct, the following birds were stilt sandpipers. If this is correct, these would be “Life” birds for me - a species I have not seen before. If you know something different, please let me know. Otherwise I am going to consider myself very lucky, even though I did not recognize it at the time.

As I walked the dikes there were near continual sandhill crane flights. This picture shows what appeared to be “Sky Walking” cranes in the process of landing.

For the record, I did find some golden oysters on a tree. I did not harvest these.

Finally, there was good news to be seen. The Iowa DNR is in the process of pumping water out of the newly-dug channels. After the water is low enough it will be treated to eliminate rough fish. Then Marten’s Lake will begin the refill process and fish stocking will happen. In the not too distant future Marten’s Lake will again be a recreation hotspot for our area!

View a short video of the project status as of today by clicking on this link:

Marten’s Lake Update (8-6-24)

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Kip’s Comments - August 5, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 5, 2024

Images From a Long Lens Macro Safari

My morning walk today provided a good opportunity to complete a self-assignment - shooting all pictures with a long lens (some with a close-up filter). This technique often provides for blurred backgrounds that help to emphasize blossoms or insects.

Since I was able to shoot many images, I

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Kip’s Comments - August 4, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 4, 2024

Morning Has Broken

Like countless mornings before, today was heralded in with a beautiful sunrise lighting wildflowers and grasses around our little spot on the dirt ball. I enjoy a real treat when all I need to do is walk the yard to see something pretty and worthy of a photo. Following are some from today….

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Kip’s Comments - August 2, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 2, 2024

Somber to Happy

Sometimes situations develop where I have a strong hunch, but I am unable to prove my theory. With enough comments from others I begin to doubt myself and eventually almost adopt the other beliefs. Such was the case with a family member’s health concerns.

Today we learned that my original hunch was indeed accurate and with that information, several very serious (life changing questions) were answered. After hearing the news, my mind went from doubting and discouraged to thrilled, relieved, and artsy.

Today’s photos illustrate some of my observations from the great healing place to the north. Artsy was my mood when editing. I really like the mood change. Thank you God!

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Kip’s Comments - August 1, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 1, 2024

From A Single Theme to Another

My photography efforts today emphasized fragrant water lilies. Imagine a full screen picture of either a fragrant water lily blossom, the rich green leaves, or both. Any of those are what I was thinking for maybe a computer screen or possibly a print on a wall.

To work through this process I used my Nikon still camera and my drone. I am satisfied with the resulting images, although I am not sure I have quite accomplished what I have in my mind. I may keep trying as long as I can find blossoms.

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Kip’s Comments - July 31, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 31, 2024

Such a Special Day!!! - Snail Migration!!!!!

I have a buddy, let’s call him “Buttercup,” who has time and again and again and again given me a hard time about photographing a snail migration. While Buttercup appears to be jabbing about a snail migration in jest, deep down inside I think he longs to spend quality time with me and the snails and the red-winged blackbirds. Odds are shared time is a secret goal of his. Maybe, Buttercup, someday you will be with me during the snail migration! (Thanks to my other Brother Darrell who…

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Kip’s Comments - July 29, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 29, 2024

Things that Interested me Today

There is no doubt that I am easily entertained or incessantly curious. When I see interesting scenes or pretty things, I stop to memorialize them through a photo. Today’s memories include everything from water tower repair preparations, to wildflowers, to a cicada exoskeleton. The randomness…

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Kip’s Comments - July 28, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 28, 2024

Observations on a Hazy Morning

Kristy and I saw a few picture-worthy scenes early this morning and I saw more later this morning. None of today’s photos were recorded with my drone. I am including the drone picture (from last night) just because…

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Kip’s Comments - July 27, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 27, 2024

Beautiful, But We Have A Problem

Our wet spring has been a blessing for our pollinator habitat that was seeded and pretty much inactive last year during the drought. With frequent rains we now have a variety of wild plants and grasses pushing up with welcome new additions showing frequently. The views are very pretty.

But, we have a problem. As I explore the area I am finding…

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Kip’s Comments - July 26, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 26, 2024

Outdoor Observations

Mother Nature seems to always provide something interesting to explore and maybe photograph. Today’s most fascinating critter - actually a collection of same critters - was this freshwater bryozoan.

Bryozoans tend to indicate higher quality water. While maybe not the most preferred texture or appearance, bryozoans are…

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Kip’s Comments - July 25, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 25, 2024

Bigger Bait Equals Bigger Fish (and more)

On this fine day my grandson and I spent quality time together shooting some pictures and him fishing. After catching one small bluegill after another, we added a bigger chunk of worm to his hook. Soon after he pulled in a nice-sized bluegill to which he exclaimed… “Bigger Bait Equals Bigger Fish!” Gramps made it look even larger with selective framing of the camera.

While he was fishing…

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Kip’s Comments - July 24, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 24, 2024

Diary of My First Day of (Early) Retirement

Today was my first “official” day of retirement (early). I found no guidelines or handbook on how the first day was supposed to go, so I had to wing it. Following was the day:

My grandson and I went to my first physical therapy appointment since my bicep/shoulder repair surgery. My feet lifted off the table a time or two and my eyes leaked three times, but, as my grandson said, “you did not squeal.”

My grandson and I went out for breakfast. (I normally eat only an English muffin.)

We had an LP tank filled and picked up a window screen.

We took care of some paperwork issues at my place of “former” employment.

We flew my drone under the Bremer Avenue bridge where…

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Kip’s Comments - July 23, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 23, 2024

Dew and Rain

If we are going to have dew and rain on our flowers (domestic and wild) and trees, then I am going to document some of it. Several times today I roamed the ponderosa to check things out. These are…

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Kip’s Comments - July 22, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 22, 2024

Outdoor Observations

Today’s sightings include one from the air and three from the ground.

My aerial image shows the color patterns in a corn field. Until I talk to the farmer to ask “why,” I won’t know what causes the stripes. Compared to other fields, this was the only one featuring such noticeable leading lines perfect for…

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Kip’s Comments - July 21, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 21, 2024

For Everything There is a Season

Unexpected, at least for me, was the fog that blanketed our landscape this morning. When I saw the obscured vision I went to work to capture an image I have had in my head for some time. My thought was a view of someone walking down a lonely road at sunrise, in fog, with other details obscured. My intent was for the image to feature a rising sun, leading lines, the rule of thirds, and to be thought provoking. As I considered the image since its inception weeks ago, I was thinking more of how it would make a nice album cover for guitar music that is easy to listen to. And, I had even thought maybe the person walking down the road could be carrying a cased-guitar upside-down

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Kip’s Comments - July 20, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 20, 2024

My Mother, My Brother, and Me

Smoked carp, just some slabs of fish… that was our excuse for the three of us to drive up near Lansing today. Since we reached the fish place (Mohn’s Fish Market) while they were closed for lunch, we explored the Yellow River State Forest first. At the fire tower within the state forest I shot some photos from the air for different views than normal.

Then, since we were close and had time, we moved to the…

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Kip’s Comments - July 19, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - July 19, 2024

Small-Scale Safari

Once again this morning I made time to enjoy a wet (dew-covered) small-scale photo safari in our pollinator habitat. I was looking for butterflies, but found none. But, there were plenty of other macro photo ops to present challenges.

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