Kip’s Comments - July 31, 2024

Such a Special Day!!! - Snail Migration!!!!!

I have a buddy, let’s call him “Buttercup,” who has time and again and again and again given me a hard time about photographing snail migrations. While Buttercup appears to be jabbing about snail migrations in jest, deep down inside I think he longs to spend quality time with me and the snails and the red-winged blackbirds. Odds are much shared time is a secret goal of his. Maybe, Buttercup, someday you will be with me during the snail migration! (Thanks to my other Brother Darrell who reminded me of the year’s long continuing saga of Buttercup and the infamous snail migration!)

Kip and Buttercup Birding (Maybe watching for snails too)

The following photo was, what I presume, the lead snail leading the migration. I looked around and waited, but the others had not moved in my direction yet.

Land Snail (migrating?) - Image 899744

Coinciding with the snail migration is the blooming of summer wildflowers and the appearance of warm-weather bugs. I will share some of my photos from today below.

Milkweed Aphids on Milkweed - Image 899589

Compass Plant - Image 899231

Compass Plant - Image 899290

Compass Plant - Image 899242

Black Horse Fly - Image 899417

Grey-headed Coneflower - Image 899324

Garden Spider - Image 899716 (prey secured in web)

Spotted Beebalm - Image 899346

Green Stink Bug - Image 899418

Wild Bergamot (Bee Balm) - Image 899411

Margined Blister Beetle - Image 899493

Margined Blister Beetle - Image 899534 (look close at this one to see what was happening. The upper beetle quickly took off.)

Margined Blister Beetle - Image 899582

Wild Petunia - Image 899413

Widow Skimmer Dragonfly - Image 899612

False Sunflower - Image 899298

Rose Aphids - Image 899590

Also observed during the snail migration was some law-breaking.

Law-breaking Canada Geese - Image 899804


Kip’s Comments - August 1, 2024


Kip’s Comments - July 30, 2024