Kip’s Comments - August 5, 2024

Images From a Long Lens Macro Safari

My morning walk today provided a good opportunity to complete a self-assignment - shooting all pictures with a long lens (some with a close-up filter). This technique often provides for blurred backgrounds that help to emphasize blossoms or insects.

Since I was able to shoot many images, I am opting to share some here, but have put many more in a video. To view the video, please click on this link:

Images From A Long Lens Macro Safari

Following is a sampling of photos from today. Again, the video has many more with relaxing music.

Bouncing Bet - Image 900262

European Cranberry Bush - Image 900299

Helmeted Squash Bug - Image 900645

Sweet Coneflower - Image 900447

Showy Tick-Trefoil - Image 900370


Kip’s Comments - August 6, 2024


Kip’s Comments - August 4, 2024