Kip’s Comments - July 19, 2024

Small-Scale Safari

Once again this morning I made time to enjoy a wet (dew-covered) small-scale photo safari in our pollinator habitat. I was looking for butterflies, but found none. But, there were plenty of other macro photo ops to present challenges.

Common Spreadwing Damselfly - Image 896555

Flesh Fly - Image 896577

Garden Grass-veneer Moth - Image 896596

Hoverfly - Image 896601

Milkweed Beetle - Image 896718

Milkweed Beetle - Image 896761

Signal Fly on Grass - Image 896679

Corn in Dew Drop - Image 896843 (Looking good!)

Dew-covered Black-eyed Susan - Image 896858

Dew-covered Poppy - Image 896879

Dew-covered Side-oats Grama - Image 896892


Kip’s Comments - July 20, 2024


Kip’s Comments - July 18, 2024