Kip’s Comments - July 21, 2024

For Everything There is a Season

Unexpected, at least for me, was the fog that blanketed our landscape this morning. When I saw the atmosphere-impacted vision I went to work to capture an image I have had in my head for some time. My thought was a view of someone walking down a lonely road at sunrise, in fog, with other details obscured. My intent was for the image to feature a rising sun, leading lines, the rule of thirds, and to be thought provoking. As I considered the image since its inception weeks ago, I was thinking more of how it would make a nice album cover for guitar music that is easy to listen to. And, I had even thought maybe the person walking down the road could be carrying a cased-guitar upside-down on their back as they walked out of the picture.

Imagining such an image and creating that image are different things. I had nobody to walk down the road carrying a guitar, or even walking at all. So, I decided to be that person in the picture, but without a guitar. instead, I just walked down the road as I triggered image after image to be recorded. The idea was to have a variety of body language postures to choose from.

Walking into Fog - Image 897148

When all was done and I viewed the images on my computer screen it became obvious this file was the one to settle on. But, the picture does not - for me - instill thoughts of guitars or music. Instead, the picture seems ironically appropriate for my Bible study for the day - Ecclesiastes 3 - the discussion of seasons and purpose and time and much more. Even more interesting was that this picture and my Bible study coincided with my major change in life - ending a career to focus in a different direction. To me this picture showing a rising sun (representing a new day) with the pensive posture of a person appearing to contemplate where the new road leads (early retirement/life change) seemed very appropriate. And yes, the Bible study for today was perfect timing - seasons and meanings, purpose and time. For everything there is a season…

By the way, this was a very unusual use of a drone. I was flying the drone only a little over a foot above the ground to make this picture. Using the drone allowed me to remotely adjust the camera gimbal and to be able to move the camera (drone) off the road and safely out of the way had a vehicle suddenly been driving down the road as I was walking away from my camera.


Kip’s Comments - July 22, 2024


Kip’s Comments - July 20, 2024