Kip’s Comments - September 19, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 19, 2024

Early Morning

There is not much prettier than a rising sun with dramatic clouds early in the morning. Today was such a day resulting in several stops during my travels. I will share some samples with you for your consideration.

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Kip’s Comments - September 18, 2024 (Evening Edition)
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 18, 2024 (Evening Edition)

Exploring Becky's Fen

This afternoon attendees of the Iowa's County Conservation System conference and others explored Becky's Fen. Many interesting wildflower species were observed.

Becky's Fen is privately owned. Please respect private property.

Following is a sample of wildflowers photographed today. Many more are featured in this brief video: Exploring Becky's Fen

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Kip’s Comments - September 18, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 18, 2024

Colors in Images - A Somewhat Technical Post

During yesterday's photography work I had two situations where the composition elements were interesting, but the hues captured within the images were uncomfortable.

  1. Mixed Light Sources - Knowing last night would feature a full moon, I planned ahead to create an image capturing my favorite activities under the special light. Arranging the scene was easy. What proved to be more challenging was the mix of colors of light. In the composition there was moon light, light from inside the tent, light from a distant street light, and then very low levels of light. Each light source was a different color temperature.

    The finished image worked, but the color version still has not passed the uncomfortable level for me. The mix of colors of light needs more attention.

    As I worked the image and moved the color sliders around, I recognized that color was the struggle - not the rest of the scene. By eliminating color entirely from the photo, I have the scene I wanted in its purest form.

  2. Color Details - A second example of color issues was based on the color of water in a series of images recorded earlier in the day.

    As I sat along the Cedar River watching and listening as water poured over the dam, I was also attempting to capture the scene by drone.

    When working the files on my computer I struggled with the color of the water. With color data included in the files viewers see an accurate view of the greenish/brown water - a dominating factor in the final picture. Since the color was a distraction, I again removed the color to feature just the moving water. My mind, and probably yours, can fill in the colors to our preference.

In both situations where color was problematic I simply eliminated the distraction. I may come back to the files and work with them again in full color. Then again, I do like the monochrome look of each. Maybe they are fine as they provide the basis for each scene while inviting viewer imaginations to fill in the details.

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Kip’s Comments - September 17, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 17, 2024

Partial Lunar Eclipse

Late tonight a partial lunar eclipse occurred overhead. This image documents the shadow hiding eight or so percent of the moon.

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Kip’s Comments - September 16, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 16, 2024

Quiet of Night After Active Day

There is something calming about quiet time along the river when a near full moon is providing the lighting. Night sounds - from insects to splashes on the water - call for your attention. Shapes and textures...

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Kip’s Comments - September 13-15, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 13-15, 2024

Wet Feet - Dry Feet - Three Days in Buchanan County

Kristy and I enjoyed part of the past three days in Buchanan County camping at Fontana Park. Since we were so close, I spent plenty of quality time exploring the Rowley Fen. It would be easy to share probably hundreds of images, but I am going to do my best to share only some of my favorites.

When I photograph plants at a fen, I remember how “fen plants” prefer to have wet feet...

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Kip’s Comments - September 12, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 12, 2024

On Second Thought

As I was approaching my dock tonight in my boat I was pondering my post for this evening. Frustration and anger were leading the tone. Whining and complaining were not far from being put into typed words. My efforts were going to focus on negativity, and where does that get anyone?

Then I thought about my situation compared...

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Kip’s Comments - September 11, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 11, 2024

History or Memory

A local radio station has been airing something to do with Patriot's Day (today) on a regular basis. Included in their on-air material is, for me at least, a bit of an eye-opener. For today's school kids the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 are not memories... they are history.

The stunned emotions of realizing our nation was under attack are foreign to our young people - our future. A sky void of contrails as all aircraft were grounded is just something to imagine. Learning of so many innocent deaths likely does not hit our young folks like it stung so many of us on that fateful day.

As a family member and I drove to the healing place to the north today, we drove through several communities that had flags lining the road. At our destination we had conversations with several people based on the topic of "where were you" when the attack happened. I will share my response.

On that morning I was...

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Kip’s Comments - September 10, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 10, 2024

In Search of Trees

My "picture mood" today tracked with the weather - I wasn't looking for "blue sky" images as I explored. No, today I was hoping to find an interesting composition featuring trees... just trees - in quiet light.

I knew when I found a grouping of birch trees that I had the base image for several versions of "trees" that I (and others) might like. I will share the base image and then a pair of edited versions. I hope you enjoy them.

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Kip’s Comments - September 9, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 9, 2024

Wildflowers at the Fairbank Fen

Today's adventure was to hike the Fairbank Fen - a first for me. This fen is different from the Rowley Fen in that I did not find a couple of plant species I was looking for. They may be present and I just did not find them. Bottle (Closed) gentians were easy to find though and made the trip worthwhile.

Thank you Esther for the thought-provoking conversation that led to my visit to the fen. I appreciate it!

I put a video together capturing my wildflower hike at the Fairbank Fen. View the video at this link:

A Wildflower Hike at the Fairbank Fen

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Kip’s Comments - September 8, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 8, 2024

High Hopes

This barred owl had high hopes of capturing and consuming a mouse meal recently. Unfortunately the mouse to be eaten had been caught on a "sticky trap" and the owl was unaware. As a result, the feathers on this bird were covered in the sticky adhesive on the mouse trap. Flight for the bird came to a halt. Safety for this bird was at risk.

An angler on the Cedar River noticed the owl and gave me a call. The plan was for a combined effort to capture the owl to transport for treatment. But, before I even arrived at the scene the owl was captured and ready to move to the rehabber.

Our owl is now in the care of Terese with Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project. The owl will get a food...

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Kip’s Comments - September 7, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 7, 2024

Scenes From 10+ Hours of Fishing

What a day... 10+ hours of fishing with grandkids. What fun! We saw so much while on and around the water. These were some of the scenes.

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Kip’s Comments - September 6, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 6, 2024

Bookends with Excitement

Restful sleep has eluded me for years. I tend to be awake all hours of the night (and day). Rather than struggle this morning, I popped out of bed determined to hone my skills on dark sky photography. While my star images were a work in progress, I was able to record the quiet of our farm home as the sky was beginning to brighten with hints of a sunrise.

On the other end of today's daylight... I decided to spend just a few minutes making one trip up and back down the river as the sun was setting tonight. The sunset was beautiful, so I recorded what I could. Digital images come close, but do not match how pretty this scene was in person.

The excitement between the day bookend photos was this northern pike that...

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Kip’s Comments - September 5, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 5, 2024

How About a Bowl or Depression or Something???

For several years I have been watching a bald eagle nest expand. This one must weigh tons already. (The view from this angle minimizes the size of this nest.)

One detail I always assumed was the actual eagle-incubating and raising...

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Kip’s Comments - September 4, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 4, 2024

What is Not To Love About This?

I am an equal opportunity watercraft picture poster. A few days ago I shared an image of one of my canoes. Tonight I share a photo of my dear old beater boat - the HMY Kristina. She is old, she is rough, she is dented. But, she keeps water out, she isn’t afraid to go where others won’t (or can’t), and she is special.

This boat joined my fleet years ago after getting away from her previous owner and floating stern up, down the river. A conservation officer and I towed her back to the boat ramp where I offered the owner a pittance for her. About six weeks later he asked if I still wanted her and I did. I paid the pittance price and then bought a tube of JB Weld to patch the holes. I have since...

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Kip’s Comments - September 3, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 3, 2024

River Zits

It is my honor to share my thoughts and sometimes information with you, the viewers of this page. Today our topic will answer the burning question of "What causes the bubbles on river scum?" I know, we all wonder, but probably not enough to ask. Today I will delve into the topic.

As I checked the river conditions on the river in front of our cabin early this morning I noticed not only an exceptionally thick assemblage of scum, but scum with many bubbles. Those bubbles got me wondering... why?

According to numerous sources, bubbles on water are created by the decomposition process in the water. Living creatures release...

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Kip’s Comments - September 2, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 2, 2024

Short Distance Migration

Early this morning I was able to watch the short distance migration of six trumpeter swans. Two were on one pond while two other pairs circled low, then...

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Kip’s Comments - September 1, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - September 1, 2024

Today the Process Worked

Lately my photographic efforts have been less on documenting what I see and more on creating images that reflect what I am feeling. More often than not, the process of making something others can view and understand based on an emotion is challenging and requires multiple attempts.

This morning my mood, with my camera in hand, was to create something that - no matter when I see it - reminds me of one of my favorite pastimes - paddling a canoe. I wanted the final image to look good on a computer screen as a background or as a canvas print hanging on a wall. The completed work had to nudge the emotional nerve that instantly puts me in the outdoor mode... to make me remember my time on the water. Or, the image should make others...

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Kip’s Comments - August 31, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 31, 2024

Beauty Comparison, Like A Fishing Ratio...

Long ago an angler friend of mine told me 90% of the fish are in 10% of the water. Since first hearing that statement others have said the same and I believe it to be true. The fish aren't wide spread and ready for the catching. No, the vast majority of fish are in specific areas where there is an appropriate mix of habitat, cover, and food.

I thought of that saying as I was exploring a local body of water this morning. On the whole the lake was pretty, but not of the caliber I needed for photography. As I continued to explore the lake for a photo-worthy scene I struck out - as if I was fishing in the ninety percent area where there was not habitat. There were no pictures to be found.

Then I rounded one narrow spot connecting two halves of a pond - a chokepoint of sorts. As I passed from one large area into another, the ten percent was found. (Really, it was more like the one percent was found.) In just a small area measuring maybe ten feet by thirty feet I was seeing steam fog rising from the lake. The scene was one of my favorite - steam rising on a cool morning, a...

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Kip’s Comments - August 30, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 30, 2024

No Fear - A Harmless Little Snake

I know there are folks who are not fans of snakes, but little northern redbelly snakes like this one are certainly worthy of a look.

Northern redbelly snakes are non-venomous, very small, and quite docile. As these pictures show, this snake was not threatening in any way.

If you are hesitant around snakes, learning...

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