Kip’s Comments - August 29, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 29, 2024

The Color Attracted Me, The Detail Kept Me

As I waited for lightning to appear tonight (still waiting), I noticed colorful garden cosmos and sulfur cosmos in full bloom in our CRP. I waded through the long grass to the blossoms where I then documented them. It was when I reviewed them on my computer screen that I realized...

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Kip’s Comments - August 28, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 28, 2024

Fen Wildflower Photography - How The Pictures Were Made

Almost on a whim this morning I decided to explore a fen with cameras in hand. Fens are a unique soil type - saturated and sometimes spongey, with more unique qualities for plants. I went looking for a couple of plant species and found them, along with several others. I am going to share a sampling of images here, but encourage you to watch the video to virtually join me on the exploration to see how the photographs were made. There will be more photos in the video.

Click here to view the video:

Fen Wildflower Photography - How The Pictures Were Made

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Kip’s Comments - August 27, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 27, 2024

Following Up on an Observation from Saturday

Last Saturday I recorded video and still images of the paddling portion of the Rugged Toad Adventure Triathlon. As I was looking at the river and paddlers, I noticed interesting shadows from trees along the shore. But, on Saturday I was there to photograph paddlers and was not able to get artistic at the same time. Today I returned to hopefully capture some semblance of what I saw on Saturday. To make the photograph I needed to be...

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Kip’s Comments - August 25, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 25, 2024

Looking Around

From early this morning until late this afternoon I was out looking around for flora and fauna in Bremer County. I found several “picture-worthy” scenes that I have documented here. There is...

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Kip’s Comments - August 24, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 24, 2024

No Consistency But I Had Fun

Today was one of those days dedicated to photography on two projects that had no direct connection to each other.

Project 1 was to shoot video and still photos of the paddlers in the Rugged Toad Adventure Triathlon - 2024. If you wish to view the complete video, click on this link:

Rugged Toad Adventure Triathlon 2024

While waiting for the paddlers to make their way down the Cedar River I had an osprey do a close fly-by. Of course I recorded the few seconds of "together time."

Project 2 was a...

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Kip’s Comments - August 23, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 23, 2024

Ghost Plant (aka Indian Pipe) and More

It is the time of year when a very unusual flower is visible in limited locations. Indian pipe or Ghost Plant or several other names is now blooming where conditions are suitable.

What makes Indian pipe unique is the plant lacks chlorophyl. As a result, Indian pipe is white. Since the plant cannot convert sunlight to energy, Indian pipe...

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Kip’s Comments - August 21, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 21, 2024

A Minute or So of Caution then an Explosive Reaction

Much of today was spent traveling with most of those miles on interstate highways. When I could I drove a couple of miles on a quiet blacktop road where I hoped to see wildlife, probably birds. Instead of seeing birds, I saw...

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Kip’s Comments - August 20, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 20, 2024

City Bird - Tourist Attraction

A few years ago I suggested that the City of Frederika might want to adopt the turkey vulture as their "City Bird." After what I observed today along the Wapsipinicon River, the community want to consider that nomination again. There were many turkey vultures in the trees along Indian Pond catching the early morning sun rays. I photographed some of them, but missed just as many.

I also recorded a few...

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Kip’s Comments - August 19, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 19, 2024

How Do We Decide?

I had the honor of hosting two of our grandkids today. We spent some time at home, but then for the highlight of the day we used our hours on the Wapsipinicon River. We explored sandbars, waded the river, collected clam shells, saved a couple of clams, and fished. All was well until one...

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Kip’s Comments - August 18, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 18, 2024

Sweet Marsh Update - We Have Water!

The news so many have waited for is now - water is being added to Marten's Lake (Segment B) at Sweet Marsh.

To show the progress I have put together a video showing the progress. View the video and still photos at this link:

Sweet Marsh Update - We Have Water! video link

While recording the clips for the video I did stop to enjoy a few wildflowers.

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Kip’s Comments - August 17, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 17, 2024

Where Were We?

Let's see who can recognize our location for the day. I could have made this easier by sharing standard images with viewers. Instead I have been creative. Do you know where we were?

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Kip’s Comments - August 16, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 16, 2024

No I Didn't

As much as I wanted to, I did not float this canoe on the Wapsipinicon River tonight. I know I have weeks, if not months, before I can paddle again, so I am remaining compliant with my recovery instructions. I will admit that the temptation was powerful, but I also know what is at risk and why I have restrictions. So, the canoe stayed dry and I protected my repair work for another day.

For those wanting other types of images, how about these two? I have for you a cutleaf coneflower and a large freshwater bryozoan.

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Kip’s Comments - August 15, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 15, 2024

A Work Day

Today was more of a "work" day than a nature photography day. Other than photographing some wildflowers, I did not shoot much in the "nature" realm of imaging.

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Kip’s Comments - August 13 and 14, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 13 and 14, 2024

Multipart Post

Due to an opportunity requiring fast action, I was not able to post yesterday. I had the images ready, but no time to add to this page. I will share for yesterday and today now.

On a regular basis I am seeing a tiny tree frog near our home. I decided to feature the frog in two ways - threatening and compassionately. For the threatening view I used harsh light and no color to eliminate any caring emotions.

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Kip’s Comments - August 12, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 12, 2024

Steering the Eye - Shapes and Bright Colors

As I study photos and compositions, I have learned that interesting shapes and textures or bright colors tend to steer the eye around the frame of an image.

How did you react when..

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Kip’s Comments - August 11, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 11, 2024

Recording Light and Shadows and People

Since my last post I have enjoyed several outings with grandkids where we were busy doing things and I was recording our moments. Since there is no “order” to the images, I will just share them and let you take a look at them.

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Kip’s Comments - August 10, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 10, 2024

Cousin Fun (With Grandma and Gramps)

Four of five of our grandkids spent a few precious moments this afternoon just sitting along the banks of the Wapsipinicon River. This happened after we caught a bunch of bullheads for a fish fry tonight.

For Kristy and me the bullhead feed took us back to…

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Kip’s Comments - August 9, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 9, 2024

Action Pics

With all of the grandkids gathered at our house, the activities were non-stop. One of their pleasures was to run the four-wheeler around the yard. Since the kids were having so much fun I asked them to carry my GoPro to record the excitement.

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Kip’s Comments - August 8, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - August 8, 2024

He Ran Out of Steam

My grandson had the option of going to the State Fair today or hanging with Gramps. Well, he chose to stay with me so we kept busy.

First we went to Decorah where we met friends and reps from a public safety organization considering a…

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