Kip’s Comments - August 17, 2024

Where Were We?

Let's see who can recognize our location for the day. I could have made this easier by sharing standard images with viewers. Instead I have been creative. Do you know where we were?

Bridge - Image 902487

Bridge - Image 902487

Bridge - Image 902405

Bridge - Image 902405

Bridge - Image 902411

Bridge - Image 902411

Bridge - Image 902400 (Notice something odd about the people in this image?)

Bridge - Image 902400 (Notice something odd about the people in this image?)

Bridge - Image 902500

Bridge - Image 902500

If you have not figured out where we were, maybe the next couple of images will give our location away. Of course the images are not standard pictures.

Sunflowers - Image 902550

Sunflowers - Image 902550

Sunflowers - Image 902658

Sunflowers - Image 902658

Sunflowers - Image 902658 (lowkey)


Kip’s Comments - August 18, 2024


Kip’s Comments - August 16, 2024