Kip’s Comments - June 25 and 26, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 25 and 26, 2024

Something Different

There was something different about my pollinator habitat exploration for this picture. Apparently our grand-dog has an appreciation for wildflowers too!

Following is a sampling of our CRP flower patch.

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Kip’s Comments - June 24, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 24, 2024

Photo Challenge

For more than 22-years I have recorded at least an image a day and shared it - all without missing a day. On Monday I had a medical procedure done that is making photography challenging. Still, I do not want miss a day so I am fumbling through the process. Following are photos from Monday and Tuesday.

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Kip’s Comments - June 23, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 23, 2024

Fauna, Flora, Water

Today consisted of a mix of imaging for me. Early this morning I photographed a killdeer doing its best to not be seen… but I saw it.

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Kip’s Comments - June 22, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 22, 2024

One Less Tick - Thank A Warbler

Last night, just before the rain began, I enjoyed an insect feeding show. Prothonotary warblers and blue-gray gnatcatchers were flitting around the trees along the river grabbing snacks. The gnatcatchers were higher in the trees much of the time. The prothonotary warblers were closer to my position in my canoe.

I tried hard to see what the birds were feeding on, but only confirmed with this picture. It sure appears to me that this prothonotary warbler was feeding on a blood-filled tick, maybe filled from a deer or some other mammal. I am glad the insect has been digested!

In addition to this picture, I will…

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Kip’s Comments - June 21, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 21, 2024

A Common Theme - Water

Without realizing it my photography today had a common theme - water. That water may have been in the form of a lake, dew drops, rain drops, or humidity. Regardless of how described, water/moisture played a role in each of my many photos from this day.

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Kip’s Comments - June 20, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 20, 2024

Scenes Seen During Solstice

Seasonal occurrences hold some significance for me, especially when they allow me extra time to reflect on life and other personal thoughts. Tonight’s “longest day” was just what I needed after an interesting day at work. Time on the water created a calming effect that continued well into sunset.

My pictures shared today show a few of the scenes I enjoyed from the comfort of my canoe. I hope you see something you like too.

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Kip’s Comments - June 18, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 18, 2024

Not Quite Farewell

Among my emergency management family is a four-legged friend named Maverick. Maverick’s handler - Charissa - has been working with Mav as he becomes a therapy dog. Described simply, Maverick can sense people who are under stress and seeks them out. Maverick has searched me out several times. Petting Mav quickly calms a soul in a manner I cannot explain.

I have known Maverick for some time now and have experienced his effects. The first couple/few times Maverick sought me out were humbling and eye-opening for me. I knew I was stressed, but I had not recognized the level of damaging stress I was living - but Maverick did. Whether I thought I needed his company or not, Maverick knew better. A bond was established when a canine knew more about me than I knew about myself.

Maverick and I now seek each other out at meetings. Unless I am missing something, it seems Mav will spend the meetings with me regardless of my stress level. Maverick is a great dog and I like him.

Today I attended my last District 2 meeting - a regular…

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Kip’s Comments - June 17, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 17, 2024

Larger Than Life

By recording a 180-degree panoramic image, I can create a larger than life optical illusion of our cabin land area. In reality, the pond in front of our cabin isn’t too large. Compared to big water lakes, we are but a drop in the bucket. But, our pond is special to many of us.

What Indian Pond lacks in…

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Kip’s Comments - June 16, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 16, 2024

Morning Time in a Prairie

How fitting… a walk in a prairie at Prairie Lake Park.

This morning Kristy and I spent a brief amount of time enjoying an impressive display of…

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Kip’s Comments - June 15, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 15, 2024

One Picture of Many

Early this morning, before the sun was up and the wind was whipping, I went out on the water to look for my buddies - the prothonotary warbler couple. My search went on for some time until finally I caught a flash of bright yellow. There he was - the Mr. of the pair.

I watched and waited for the better part of an hour to maybe see Mrs. Prothonotary warbler, but seeing her…

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Kip’s Comments - June 14, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 14, 2024

Letting Someone Do Something Different

For some time I have toyed with the idea of shooting an aerial image of a lone tree in a field, a tree seen often as we head north. The two of us checked the tree twice today - once early this morning and a second time on our drive back.

I am not particularly fond of either image, but will share them here. While the flying camera was in the air…

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Kip’s Comments - June 13, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 13, 2024

Her, Him, Them

When you find an active bluebird nest that is all natural (a hole in a tree), you spend time watching the activity. Tonight I saw her, him, them, and other bird species near this hole in the tree. For this post I will…

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Kip’s Comments - June 12, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 12, 2024

Still Here!

A couple of weeks have passed since I last spotted a prothonotary warbler. When I hit the water in my canoe tonight I was pondering whether the birds were nesting and secretive or if they had maybe left the area. Finally, in an segment of timber where I have not seen them before, I had a couple second glance (with pictures) of a male. The prothonotary warblers are still here! - Sorry, the picture of the warbler was not good enough to post.

Other birds seen tonight were eastern bluebirds and a rough-winged swallow.

Earlier today an extensive patch of hairy vetch caught my eye. The plant is so very pretty, but it is non-native.

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Kip’s Comments - June 11, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 11, 2024

Questions, Comment, Sightings

Tonight’s post begins with a question. Earlier today I saw several great blue herons feeding along moving water. One bird in particular has caught my attention. This bird had something hanging, likely from the right side of its mouth, that looks abnormal.

I have done some research on great blue heron tongues and found photos showing connecting strands on both sides of the tongue. I wonder if this bird had its right connective tissue severed while attempting to swallow a fish - a fish that may have had sharp fins - and that may have still been alive and flopping around in the mouth/throat. Maybe that did not happen. If someone has another idea, please share it. Otherwise the bird appeared fine.

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Kip’s Comments - June 10, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 10, 2024

Something Special

To me there is something special about paddling on a quiet night like we had tonight. Whether you prefer a canoe or a kayak, it does not really matter. What seems to be special is the “quiet” that happens when paddling.

I have several boats that I could use for my evening calming sessions, but I prefer muscle power. There are no…

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Kip’s Comments - June 9, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 9, 2024

Skeeter Bite on Top of Skeeter Bite

For reasons unknown to me I had an overwhelming urge to check for fungi this morning. From a dietary standpoint the choice was worthwhile as we and my mother had another meal of golden oysters tonight. From a blood volume consideration, I had…

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Kip’s Comments - June 8, 2024
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - June 8, 2024

Flowers and Insects

After the rain this morning I wandered our budding prairie plot looking for blossoms and insects. So far our growth has been minimal, but after years of drought I am seeing beautiful…

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