Kip’s Comments - June 9, 2024

Skeeter Bite on Top of Skeeter Bite

For reasons unknown to me I had an overwhelming urge to check for fungi this morning. From a dietary standpoint the choice was worthwhile as we and my mother had another meal of golden oysters tonight. From a blood volume consideration, I had mosquito bites on top of bites. And I had one skeeter drill into a vein on the top of my hand resulting in a stream of blood. That has not happened before. But gee those golden oysters were good!

Following are pictures of the fungi I found. You will see one unidentified fungi species. This was very near the golden oysters, but the color was wrong and I just did not feel confident eating them, so I took only pictures. Better safe than sorry.

I also found an interesting fly caught in a web.

Golden Oyster Fungi - Image 888168

Jelly Ear Fungus - Image 888107

Lentinus Mushrooms - Image 888130

Lentinus Mushrooms - Image 888145

White Jelly Fungus - Image 888161

Unidentified Fungi - Image 888169

Ferruginous Tiger Crane Fly - Image 888073

Ferruginous Tiger Crane Fly - Image 888093


Kip’s Comments - June 10, 2024


Kip’s Comments - June 8, 2024