Kip’s Comments - April 16, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 16, 2023

A Little Snow, Rain, and Wind Do Not Stop Spring

After many days of above normal temperatures, today we were jerked back to reality with wind, rain, and snow. It would have been easy to stay indoors to avoid the uncomfortable conditions. But, I did not and I was rewarded with some very fun interactions with four pied-billed grebes.

These grebes were hanging out where grebes tend to stay for a few days each spring. Since the area was protected, the water was smooth as glass making for almost easy photography. I did have to over-expose for proper levels, but that was simple enough to do. Then all that was needed was to press the shutter release button… over and over and over.

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Kip’s Comments - April 15, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 15, 2023

Success to Inaccuracies

For as many years as we have been counting sandhill cranes early on a Saturday in April in Bremer County, I have been present - including today. Our count began at 5:30AM and continued for two-hours. Crane counters documented guard calls, unison calls, and visual observations. Today I was close enough to cranes that I was able to hear their “purring” call too.

I expected this year might be different since Marten’s Lake at Sweet Marsh is drawn down. Each year I have been at this same spot, so now, to have no water, suggested numbers might be different. And different they were. My count, as accurate as I could be, was…

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Kip’s Comments - April 14, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 14, 2023


Art (including photography) is like words. Within their intended context words and art are clear leaving little to wonder about. Without adequate details - intentional or not - words and art can be misconstrued, twisted, or at a minimum can lead to confusion.

As I walked one of my favorite woodlands today I thought about wildflower photography, and context, and details - including challenging myself to not shoot my typical wildflower photos. Instead of featuring just blossoms without including enough detail to tell a wildflower story, today I composed my images with a slightly larger field of view that provided a hint of perspective explaining the locations of the wildflowers.

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Kip’s Comments - April 13, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 13, 2023

Signs of Spring (Under Duress)

I am the type of guy who refuses, as much as possible, to let feeling rough from a virus get me down. But my oh my, my positive COVID test should have come with a warning that I was about to get my tail kicked. Geez, my throat is raw on fire, my back and chest hurt, my back and chest hurt even more when I cough, and my entire body feels like a roller has flattened me. And I am bored to tears. I was not expecting this.

Still, feeling miserable or not, I did get out briefly this morning to enjoy some signs of spring. Due to feeling wiped out, I will only be featuring two signs, but they are good signs! If found these, I photographed them, and I went home to sleep. (No, I was not near anybody.)

Sign of Spring #1 -

As the near record-breaking heat warms the ground, the resting reptiles are beginning to stir.

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Kip’s Comments - April 12, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 12, 2023

From One Ol’ Coot to Another

Sometimes a situation presents itself that a photographer just has to document. For example, you are out on the water and a coot just tempts you to practice bird in flight photography with it. In today’s case, I think I may have accomplished something. This old coot photographed another coot!

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Kip’s Comments - April 11, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 11, 2023


Today’s photo work really lacks in creativity and effort. For that I apologize, but I also ask that you allow me to explain.

Some time mid-day today my body went into melt-down mode. Aches, sneezes, and everything in between. A COVID test confirmed I am living the virus. Hopefully this ends soon.

This picture was of one of our trees along the river. I have not seen who or what is doing the excavation, but maybe I will in the next few days.

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Kip’s Comments - April 10, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 10, 2023

Found Them

After what I can describe only as a very interesting, very challenging day, I took some time to look for wildflowers of the uncommon nature late this afternoon.

Pasqueflowers are some of the first wildflowers to emerge in the spring. Sometimes pasqueflowers can be found while there is still snow on the ground, but thankfully not this year! Pasqueflowers were my target species for today. After a drive and a hike I found many blossoms soaking up today’s warm sunshine.

Following is a sampling of images of this pretty wildflower. I promised not to share the location, so please do not ask.

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Kip’s Comments - April 9, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 9, 2023


Easter… my favorite holiday of the year for a couple of reasons.

First and foremost, Easter is special to me for its religious significance in my life. Without Easter we have nothing. With Easter we have everything. What more can I say. I am thankful for Easter, even though I hardly deserve it.

A second reason I like Easter is the symbolic rebirth we experience in our world. Easter is celebrated during the spring migration. Easter happens when wildflowers are beginning to rise again. Easter brings newness and an opportunity for each of us to reflect and take action, if necessary.

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Kip’s Comments - April 8, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 8, 2023

Quite a Variety for One Day

From shortly after sunrise, with a “work” pause this early afternoon, and then onward to more exploring later in the afternoon… I shot a number of what I would consider interesting images. I will break this down by AM and PM.

AM shooting concentrated on a couple of seldom seen in Iowa species. First I found four red-breasted mergansers. They did not…

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Kip’s Comments - April 7, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 7, 2023

A Peaceful End of the Week

After a long, challenging week we are able to bring the first seven days of April to a close with a pleasant day of good news.

A family member and I made another trip to Minnesota for medical work. Nothing… not one appointment or consultation had anything but good news. For that we are so very thankful.

Even though I had no time to pursue wildlife photography, I was able to document a peaceful setting sun in a rural environment. Since the tradeoff was a day of positivity, I am fine with that! Prayers answered!!

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Kip’s Comments - April 6, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 6, 2023

Opposite Non-traditional Images

For as long as I have been shooting wildlife photos, some species have been photographed in similar compositions. The commonalities have not been intentional. It is just with some species you have only certain opportunities for photographs, unless you are lucky like I was tonight.

I was out paddling before the full moon rose tonight. Far off, in the top of a tree, I saw and photographed a double-crested cormorant silhouette image. Usually my double-crested cormorant images are of the birds in flight or on water or on a log, but not tonight. Tonight’s version of a double-crested cormorant is a tree-top silhouette composition.

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Kip’s Comments - April 5, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 5, 2023

Calm Water… Exploding Water

Some water is calm and some water is not so calm.

When water is hosting a quiet trumpeter swan, a coot, or a pair of sleepy mallards, the water is smooth and relaxing.

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Kip’s Comments - April 4, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 4, 2023

I Wish I Had Waders With Me

During a drive tonight this flash of white as I passed by caused me to stop, back up, and take a look through my camera lens. Oh how I wish I had waders to check out what appears to be a snow goose. The dark bill is confusing me some, but based on size it appears to be a dead snow goose.

I am curious too what killed this bird. There is definite blood on the…

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Kip’s Comments - April 3, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 3, 2023

Seen Today

Once again weather conditions were not in this photographer’s favor as I attempted to document some of the wildlife that was active today. Still, I gave it a good try and have a small sampling of images featuring the bird species in the area. Some are migrating through; others are residents. All were fun to watch.

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Kip’s Comments - April 2, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 2, 2023

Common = Better, Not So Common = Not So Good

Even though the wind was howling today, I still was able to shoot some wildlife photos. I am going to divide my pictures into two groupings - the common species that had better lighting resulting in better images and the less common species with poor lighting and not so good images. Let’s begin with the less common species.

I had heard from a friend where I might see common loons. I quickly found the interesting birds, but all four were too far away for acceptable images. So, windy or not, I went out on the water to approach closer. Between the wind and the gray skies, shooting any decent pictures was not likely. Still, I did manage a few good enough to share to document the loons were present.

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Kip’s Comments - April 1, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - April 1, 2023

A Variety

During the time between projects today I was able to get out to explore our outdoor world in the midst of the spring migration. My wanderings included a brief woodland walk and time around a local river and wetland. Rather than babble about each picture, I will just share them below.

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Kip’s Comments - March 31, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 31, 2023

Luckier than Others

From what I have heard, Bremer County was luckier than other counties in the state. As weather fronts collided over Iowa, severe storms exploded over a large portion of the state.

Bremer County had thunderstorm and tornado warnings, sirens sounded and phones alerted, but overall the impacts were minimal. For that I am thankful.

I monitored the weather from our home, along with multiple radar sources and weather communications with the National Weather Service. All is now quiet here.

This link will take you to a couple of storm cloud time lapse videos.

Storm Clouds

The following picture shows an interesting cloud formation.

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Kip’s Comments - March 30, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 30, 2023

Walk Less, Pause More, Document Better

Too many years have passed since I last backpacked at/on Isle Royale National Park. IRNP is the least visited national park in the lower 48-states hosting fewer visitors in a year than Yellowstone sees in a day. Access to IRNP is by sea plane or ferry. Once on the island there is little to no communications. Wildlife species of interest are moose and wolves, fox and snowshoe hares, along with assorted birds, bugs, reptiles and amphibians.

This remote island is mapped with 165-miles of trails. The last time I visited the island I completed my goal of hiking all 165-miles. Since then life has happened and I have not been back. My absence has been much too long.

Later tonight I will be meeting with family members to possibly fulfill their dream of visiting the island. Unlike previous hikes on IR, this one will likely have a strong emphasis on outdoor photography. In other words, walk less, pause more, document the scenery better. If this works I have more photography friends who have expressed an interest in a similar outing. Who knows, maybe this will become a regular activity.

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Kip’s Comments - March 29, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 29, 2023

Wanting More

Most of the time when I attempt bird photography my preference would be an interesting composition featuring a bird in flight. However, when it comes to the ring-billed gull (featured here), I would really like a photo of the bird in a static position that does not include something man-made, or covered in bird droppings, or simply unattractive. To date I do not remember saving a ring-billed gull photo meeting my static criteria.

Today, after being left alone by a quick departing double-crested cormorant (first of the year), I had only this ring-billed gull to practice wildlife photography on. Like normal, the gull provided ample opportunity for photos, but all were in flight against an uninteresting blue sky. I suppose some picture is better than no picture, but this does leave me wanting more from this species.

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Kip’s Comments - March 28, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 28, 2023

Thanks for NOTHING… Clouds in the Western Sky

I tried… I was set up and ready to go to photograph five planets lined up after sunset. Then our view was blocked by a long bank of clouds on the western horizon, right where we should have seen the planets.

Only a brief handful of minutes were available to see all five planets before the view was lost of one. Do you think the clouds moved any, or broke up just enough to see the planets? Oh no… we still have clouds.

I suppose I should look at this with positivity. Maybe the clouds will bring enough rain to wash some of the slop off my truck. And for another glimmer of hope - I will have this opportunity again in 2040 if I am still around and shooting pictures.

While waiting for clouds to give me a break (didn’t happen), I did shoot pictures of these mature sunflower heads against a setting sun sky. (At least we did not have clouds in the sky for the northern lights last week! For that I should be grateful)

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