Kip’s Comments - March 30, 2023
Walk Less, Pause More, Document Better
Too many years have passed since I last backpacked at/on Isle Royale National Park. IRNP is the least visited national park in the lower 48-states hosting fewer visitors in a year than Yellowstone sees in a day. Access to IRNP is by sea plane or ferry. Once on the island there is little to no communications. Wildlife species of interest are moose and wolves, fox and snowshoe hares, along with assorted birds, bugs, reptiles and amphibians.
This remote island is mapped with 165-miles of trails. The last time I visited the island I completed my goal of hiking all 165-miles. Since then life has happened and I have not been back. My absence has been much too long.
Later tonight I will be meeting with family members to possibly fulfill their dream of visiting the island. Unlike previous hikes on IR, this one will likely have a strong emphasis on outdoor photography. In other words, walk less, pause more, document the scenery better. If this works I have more photography friends who have expressed an interest in a similar outing. Who knows, maybe this will become a regular activity.
IR Map