Kip’s Comments - April 8, 2023
Quite a Variety for One Day
From shortly after sunrise, with a “work” pause this early afternoon, and then onward to more exploring later in the afternoon… I shot a number of what I would consider interesting images. I will break this down by AM and PM.
AM shooting concentrated on a couple of seldom seen in Iowa species. First I found four red-breasted mergansers. They did not allow for a real close approach, but I was able to clearly see and photograph them - first on the water and then taking flight.
Red-breasted Mergansers - Image 798460
Red-breasted Mergansers - Image 798471
A second, not so ordinary species photographed today was this common loon in non-breeding plumage.
Common Loon in Non-breeding Plumage - Image 798324
This afternoon’s shooting featured all common species. From painted turtles to American white pelicans to sandhill cranes - there was much to see at Sweet Marsh…even with the strong winds.
Painted Turtle on Log - Image 798601
Painted Turtles on Log - Image 798608
Painted Turtles on Log - Image 798629
Turtle Egg Shells - Image 798643
American White Pelicans - Image 798494
Today I saw the first few dragonflies for this year. I have not seen this species before.
Variegated Meadowhawk Skimmer Dragonfly - Image 798558
Finally, I found this dead muskrat laying belly up along my path. The muskrat was still wet with several flesh wounds visible on it. I don’t know if it was captured alive and carried to where I found it or if it was already dead and then carried and dropped. After looking at it, a question came to mind… are muskrats born with white teeth and they become stained or are newborn muskrat teeth already an orange color. Update - at least one source indicated the teeth coloration is natural, not staining.
Dead Muskrat - Image 798578