Kip’s Comments - December 17, 2022
Our family has been blessed in that we all have jobs. For that we are thankful. However, sometimes our jobs require us to make adjustments, including during the holidays. Such is the case this year.
Instead of searching for and shooting wildlife or outdoor images today, we…
Kip’s Comments - December 16, 2022
Today Was a Blur
For more than one reason today was a blur. My schedule was full of commitments making for a time blur. Traveling in the snow and blowing snow made for a visual/cognitive blur. At times visibility was so low that it…
Kip’s Comments - December 15, 2022
No Filters Needed
There is no doubt the weather this afternoon really tanked out. A thick glaze of ice on roads and sidewalks and everything else made productive functioning challenging. Cars and trucks were going off the road, jack-knifing, rolling, and who knows what else. And, many drivers drove faster than was safe for conditions. That’s the way it was here in Northeast Iowa today and there was nothing we could do about it.
Being one who finds “weather” to make for photogenic compositions, I did look around a bit, before I had to respond to an accident. Whether it was…
Kip’s Comments - December 14, 2022
A Request and a “Thank You” for Mother Nature
Dearest Mother Nature,
After yesterday and today I think most of us are understanding you will set the tone for the outdoors each day. I, speaking on behalf of many, request that you please withhold the violent winds that blew across the landscape these past days. We understand… no need for more of yesterday and last night.
I would also, on behalf of many, like to thank you for the beautiful cloud display we enjoyed this afternoon. Those of us in our section of God’s green earth experienced, at least for a few minutes, what it might be like to live next to a glacier. The juxtaposition of clouds and earth was stunning and much appreciated.
While we are talking…
Kip’s Comments - December 13, 2022
Worse Than Hurricane Nicole
A little more than a month ago our family experienced Hurricane Nicole first hand while in Orlando, Florida. I suppose it could be said that by the time the storm was inland to Orlando, Hurricane Nicole had been downgraded to “tropical storm” status. Regardless, we were there for the storm.
During the passing of Hurricane Nicole across the state of Florida I woke during the night to see and listen to a hurricane. I will be honest, the storm…
Kip’s Comments - December 12, 2022
You Learn To Appreciate All
I have never been one to dislike the very common blue jays that inhabited our yard. Many other species garnered preferential treatment, but I did not dislike the species. Perhaps their aggressive behavior toward other birds put the blue jays on a “watch list,” but I still like them.
Now that we live in a different habitat/environment, an area lacking in extensive cover for a variety of species, I have come to appreciate blue jays more now than ever before. We have many of them, they bring color to a stark agricultural environment, and even their many vocalizations add interest to outside activities.
Every now and then a blue jay drops a feather under our bird feeders. Today I memorialized a feather against a dark background.
The feather also gave me an opportunity to refresh my macro skills. Since the wildflowers have dried up and insects and butterflies are gone, my macro work has become sparse. Today was an opportunity to run through the process again for close focus work.
Kip’s Comments - December 11, 2022
Who Can Say They Have Done This (and more)
Late yesterday there were additional reports of an ill or injured trumpeter swan on a local lake. This morning a group of us put an air boat on the lake to attempt to rescue the swan. A wildlife rehabber was present and ready to begin caring for the swan. But, when the air boat started up, every bird…
Kip’s Comments - December 10, 2022
Much Going On
Yesterday I was tagged in a Facebook post describing a trumpeter swan that may not be well. This situation is almost like deja vu as last year, about this time, I rescued a trumpeter swan with the help of a friend. That swan was suffering from lead poisoning.
Early this morning I drove down to the lake to check on the swan. While there I counted 76 trumpeter swans congregated around one small area of open water. Unlike last year, where the ill swan was isolated - either by its actions or…
Kip’s Comments - December 9, 2022
Pretty, But Challenging
If a person did not have to drive this morning, the landscape was very, very pretty and something to appreciate. But, the snow and ice that decorated trees and pine cones and dried plants did make for miserable driving.
I did not go far due to working, but what I experienced was cruddy and pretty at the same time.
Kip’s Comments - December 8, 2022
Two Views
When possible I enjoy a "Full Moon Paddle." Obviously with hard water that was not possible this month. Instead I soaked in the crisp, cold air.
A person may have expected the experience to be nearly silent, but it was not. The sound of ice being formed resembled a large man with a growling belly under my feet. As the ice groaned and moaned, with an occasional cracking of the ice, it was really much noisier than I expected.
The second image shows…
Kip’s Comments - December 7, 2022
We Are In This Together
Sometimes, no matter how hard I try, I anthropomorphize animals. Attributing human emotions to animals can lead to awkward situations. (To be fair, sometimes I think some animals are more “human” than some humans are “human.”)
Early this morning, before the sun had burned away the fog and frost, I anthropomorphized a couple of trees. When I saw a conifer and deciduous tree standing watch in the frost and fog, I thought of them as if they were thinking they were in the situation together. There they stood, side-by-side, waiting and watching the world go by through vision-limiting fog and frost. It seemed like they could have been assuring each other they were in this together.
Obviously I know trees do not have emotions, or do they? Studies have shown that trees can
Kip’s Comments - December 6, 2022
Keep Moving
As much as I enjoy seeing and photographing hooded mergansers, especially males, there comes a time each year when they need to be gone.
This fellow was…
Kip’s Comments - December 5, 2022
Seeing Will Be Believing
Kristy and I have reason to believe we have been having a wild visitor or visitors during the dark of night. Clues around the ponderosa hint that whatever is passing through is large enough to carry away some weight - as in rabbits or turkey bones.
For the past few days I have had a trail cam set up in what should be a good spot to finally get a glimpse of our nighttime traveler, but so far I have missed the guest.
Today I expanded my investigative techniques to look for tracks or scat that might provide insight. No decent tracks were found, but I did find…
Kip’s Comments - December 4, 2022
December is Done - Janesville Challenge
For more years than I can remember I have paddled during every month of the year. Most years the months of December and February have posed the greatest challenge for finding open water. As of this morning, paddling during December 2022 is complete after I found some partially open water in Janesville at the Dort Landing on the west side of the Cedar River, under the Pedestrian Bridge. The temperature was 10-degrees when I left home, but had warmed a few degrees to make for a pleasant winter paddle.
As I paddled I was thinking that the location might work well for our annual New Year’s Day Paddle. January 1, 2023 will be the 31st year my buddy and I have brought in the new year on the water. More years than not, finding open water has been challenging. For that reason I would like to suggest the “Janesville Challenge.”
The “Janesville Challenge” is extended to my many friends with Janesville addresses, their spouses, their family and their friends. The challenge is really quite simple. If just some of my friends…
Kip’s Comments - December 3, 2022
Northeast Iowa Iceberg Patrol
From early this morning to early this evening our home was buzzing with activities as Kristy, her friends, our daughter-in-law, and our granddaughter baked Christmas goodies. The creativity and variety of sweets was amazing with enough to last through the holidays.
While the women were baking, my grandson and I…
Kip’s Comments - December 2, 2022
Two Views
Today was another trip to one of the big cities up north with a family member. Now that the crops are out and the rut is on, the drive is as much a bald eagle counting trip as it is a process of moving from Point A to Point B. Along the way we saw many bald eagles. In fact, neither of us were counting. Then we found an adult bald eagle right along the road, feeding on fresh road kill.
As quickly as I could I turned the car around, prepped my Nikon, and moved us back to the deer death scene to shoot photos. As we approached…
Kip’s Comments - December 1, 2022
Prepare Now, Enjoy Later!
With another day of blustery conditions filled with hours of work, I did not have time to get out with my camera. Instead, I used some minutes to do a review of my backpacking/wilderness paddling gear. I suppose a person could say I am getting anxious for warm weather to return and it is only the first day of December.
One item in my backpack I am studying is my stove. To date I have been using my trusty MSR Whisperlite Stove. That stove has never…
Kip’s Comments - November 30, 2022
The Struggle Was and Is Real
Back in my younger days I had a paper route that had me out in the elements six out of seven days. Regardless of how pleasant or miserable the weather was, I had papers to deliver. And for the majority of the time, especially for the weekday afternoon papers, I walked my route on the north end of town.
In my younger days we did not have the fancy fabrics to keep a person warm. No, if you were cold you…
Kip’s Comments - November 29, 2022
At Least Get Out of the Wind
Today’s abrupt changes in weather certainly posed challenges for those of us wanting to be outside. Very early this morning I took advantage of the 37-degrees we had , along with strong winds, to work more on a mounting system for sonar equipment I will use for missing person searches.
Kip’s Comments - November 28, 2022
No Comparison to Yesterday
Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is history and we are back to work, I have far less time to look around and document our natural world. In fact, if it hadn’t been for a quick peak this afternoon into a shallow area of water along a road, I may not have had an image to share tonight since I have a meeting to attend in a couple of hours. But, as luck would have it, I did find this gadwall close enough for my daily photo.