Kip’s Comments - October 22, 2022
Paddling For Paddling Sake
Very seldom do I go out on the water in a canoe without more primary purposes - like outdoor or wildlife photography. Today, with temps in the 80’s, I set out on the Cedar River in Waverly to paddle upstream until I got bored, tired, or called away. Yes, I carried camera equipment, but photography was secondary to just paddling for the joy of paddling.
The Cedar River in Waverly and upstream is really a pretty river. In several areas along the river there are high banks covered with autumn-colored trees in various hues of red, orange, and yellow. Add a few conifers and a person sees a real palette of colors. In other places a paddler passes downed trees and a shoreline hosting maples and typical river-bottom woody growth. There really is plenty to see on the landscape if a person is looking around.
As for fauna, my observations were minimal. For mere seconds as I paddled upstream I watched as two young raccoons moved past an opening in a hollow tree into the upper reaches. I waited and watched but neither animal reappeared while I was nearby.
Raccoons in Tree - Image 779113
Partway back I was fortunate to notice, before it noticed me, a blue-winged teal on a log under an overhanging branch. A quick response with my long lens captured the duck before it moved to the water and a safer location.
Blue-winged Teal - Image 778997
Not far from the dock I spotted a colorful garter snake attempting to swim across the river. Several times it flipped over, as if exhausted from the long swim across a wide stretch of the river. I could not watch it die in front of me, so I scooped it up with the blade of my kayak paddle and tossed it to shore. I watched the tired snake end its swim and crawl to safety in the long grass. (The image is not that good since I was dedicating my efforts to saving the snake, not to photographing the snake.)
Garter Snake Swimming Across Cedar River - Image 779109
For those wondering, I paddled from the boat ramp near Waverly Utilities to the C-33 bridge and back. On the trip upstream I fought current, on the trip downstream I fought wind. In both directions I had very shallow water to deal with in places. My total mileage on the river was just short of 10-miles.
This outing was challenging with the wind and current (in places). But, it was fun and might just be my last long trip for this season. The scenery was pretty and the effort was worthwhile!