Kip’s Comments - July 7, 2023
Taking Cover Then Under Attack
During this afternoon’s light rain showers I studied our lilies, looking for raindrops for an added touch to pretty blossoms. What I found were a couple of corn rootworm beetles hidden in the blossoms, possibly to take cover from predators and/or rain. What those beetles were rewarded with were multiple attacks from ants also exploring the blossoms. One by one the beetles were prompted to move along - out of the deep crevices of the blossoms and out into the open. I saw no predators attack the beetles other than…
Kip’s Comments - July 6, 2023
When it is as dry as we have had lately, a little moisture goes a long way to attracting butterflies. These two were meadow fritillary butterflies. Nearby were…
Kip’s Comments - July 5, 2023
Same Story, Different Species
Thanks to a phone call from a caring father/son angling duo, a young Canada goose may survive a life-threatening struggle caused by humans.
The fishermen were enjoying family time when the son noticed a Canada goose on its back, in the water, near the shore. Although it was not easy to see without studying the bird, the goose was still alive. The pair were not able to discern for sure why the goose was on its back in the water, but knew something was not right and made a good call.
After a few minutes I was notified and, since I was nearby, I offered to help. To be honest, I was concerned the goose was exhibiting the effects of Avian influenza - a disease that has already impacted Bremer County and we don’t need it again. I was prepared with gloves and a garbage bag to capture and hold the bird for testing. However, when I attempted to lift the young goose from the water, I couldn’t. It quickly became obvious that the goose was not only caught in fishing line, but also had a…
Kip’s Comments - July 4, 2023
Feel My Pain
Anyone who, at some point in their life, was poked by a bullhead barb will remember that feeling. The sensation is quick to be received and noticeable as soon as the skin is broken.
According to research, bullheads - members of the catfish family - have a poison in their barbs that we humans notice when it enters our system through breaks in the skin. For that reason it is important to handle bullheads and other members of the catfish family correctly. Obviously I did not and I was rewarded with a tender spot in the palm of my hand.
The fish that stuck me was not the fish…
Kip’s Comments - July 3, 2023
My post and photo yesterday featuring a beautiful ditch lily (tiger day lily) against a dark background generated some discussion. Is the plant invasive or non-native (both). Are ditch lilies harmful? Depending on what you read, they can be as the plant tends to soak in nearly all moisture - robbing the moisture from neighboring (native) plants. And the plant readily spreads and is easy to establish.
Yet, many people - myself included, enjoy the tiger lilies. Their colorful blossoms add a pleasant touch to many miles of drab roadside ditches. Can there be a happy-medium when…
Kip’s Comments - July 2, 2023
Invasive? I Didn’t Know That
Drive just about anywhere this time of year and you are likely to see colorful orange lilies (aka: ditch lilies, tiger lilies, etc.) in full bloom. Earlier today I was fortunate to find this blossom among many with a dark background behind it. Seeing how pretty it was, I needed to document it, and I did.
Out of curiosity I did a little research on ditch lilies and was surprised and disappointed to learn they are an invasive plant. Depending where you look on the Internet, some sites even warn of the danger of ditch lilies - especially how they can outcompete native plant species.
Having read the domination-type growth pattern information, I plan to try to establish a better plant in our area now hosting ditch lilies. My plan is to…
Kip’s Comments - July 1, 2023
Showing Restraint
Bright and early this morning Kristy and I pulled the boat to Volga Lake to catch bluegills, crappies, and maybe a trophy catfish. According to the weekly fishing report in the paper and online, our chance were pretty good for enjoying a meal of fresh fish tonight.
Well, like anything you read in the paper or on the Internet, reality might vary some from the written/typed word. In several hours of fishing Kristy pulled in two little bluegills. I, on the other hand, restrained my angling skills so any/all fish that did enter our area would be likely to thrill Kristy. That is what you do when you are a sensitive, loving spouse - you refrain from catching fish so others can.
While I was holding back on the fishing I was…
Kip’s Comments - June 30, 2023
My Project is Ready
For the past few days I have been hinting that I found something special and was working on a project associated with what I found. As of a few minutes ago, I posted a video “Thank You” to Paul, Eric, and the leadership at the City of Waverly for their wildflower plantings. You can view the video at this link:
This picture was from my wildflower wanderings this morning.
Kip’s Comments - June 29, 2023
Softshell Turtle on the Run!
If I hadn’t seen this with my own eyes, I may not have believed it. Had I not recorded it, you may not have believed it.
While paddling on the Mississippi River today I paused at a sandbar to stretch. As I roamed the vegetation I came across this softshell turtle that was moving from where it had dropped eggs back to the river. As I followed it, the turtle took off in a mad dash to reach the water. Had the turtle been chasing me, I am not sure I could have out run it. Who knew softshell turtles could move so fast! Not me!!
Be sure to click on the link to watch the turtle run.
Kip’s Comments - June 28, 2023
More From My Project
As I did yesterday, today after work I roamed wildflowers to soak in the color, the sights, the sounds, and the overall ambience a prairie habitat provides. During my outing I recorded many images. To show the wonder of a prairie I plan to put together a presentation for viewers to enjoy. For today I will post a few samples for your consideration.
Kip’s Comments - June 27, 2023
How Have I Missed This?
Every now and then I somehow “stumble” upon something that nearly takes my breath away. Today was one of those days.
Since I want to do this justice, tonight I am going to share a preview of what I found. It may be soon or it could be longer before I share more of this beautiful area with details. For now these will have to suffice.
Kip’s Comments - June 26, 2023
Ground Level
From what I could tell this morning, rain showers were headed our way. Expecting to get wet if I waited too long, I ventured out into the shaded timber early. It seems the low light levels matched the low shooting levels since almost all of my photos were created at ground level. That’s OK since the lower among us…
Kip’s Comments - June 25, 2023
Dripping Neck Strap
For the first time this season I found fragrant water lilies in close enough range for photography. As often happens when I photograph water lilies, there seem to be so many options for images of the pretty white blossoms. And, time after time I go home with very similar compositions to what I made the last dozen times.
Today I was well on my way to repeating history - producing water lily images that nearly matched previous water lily pictures. This time though, I stopped what I was doing and put in more effort to be creative. Let me walk you through my process.
My first image was taken with my…
Kip’s Comments - June 24, 2023
A Pause for Thoughts
This afternoon I met with a friend of mine, his father-in-law, and many other friends gathered to remember and say farewell after my friend’s wife died too young and unexpectedly.
Denise was a friendly lady - in fact I never saw her without a smile on her face. Sadly, cancer took her much too soon. Yet another good person lost to that nasty disease.
I have often said if there is anything good about a funeral or Celebration of Life, it is that those that gather reconnect. There is a party of sorts, minus one person. There is sadness, yet there are smiles and even laughter. Still, there is a sense of loss that for me causes me to reflect on my own mortality. I silently think about where I am in life, where I want to be, what do I need to do to get my list checked off? Am I happy with my status or is change needed?
As I drove back from the remembrance I paused for a few minutes along the river. I needed…
Kip’s Comments - June 23, 2023
More to Come
This will be a very brief post. I paddled early this morning. Along the way i say great blue herons and I photographed them. More to come!
Kip’s Comments - June 22, 2023
Breakfast Club Routine
Early in the morning along the river is the location of the Breakfast Club, all doing their routine. It is also a time to eat or be eaten as the predator/prey interactions are frequent. Some die so others might live. It happens every day, we just don’t often see it.
Today I watched hungry frogs, hungry birds, a moth victim, and fresh water bryozoans expanded - an indicator of a diverse habitat.
Kip’s Comments - June 21, 2023
Time to Say “Thank You!”
Sometimes in life we don’t have the opportunity to say “Thank You!” as quickly as we would like. Today, 15-years after the fact, I was able to express my gratitude for assistance received during very difficult times for so many in our corner of the world.
On May 25, 2008 an EF-5 tornado struck Butler County. Most people remember that Parkersburg was hit, but the tornado remained on the ground for 43-miles, devastating everything in its path, including other communities and rural residences. Sadly, lives were lost in the storm. Many, many other lives were changed forever by the incident.
Following the tornado, Bremer County and nearly every county in Iowa were hit by record-breaking flooding. Again, so many lives and communities were changed forever.
During both incidents Butler and Bremer County – along with other counties in the paths – received assistance from the Iowa National Guard, including soldiers based out of Waterloo. During those incidents the soldiers responded to the tasks, completed their missions, and left the area for their next call. I was never able to say “Thank You!”
Today the Waterloo-based 133 – " Ironman Battalion” invited area people to a “meet and greet” of sorts. We heard a presentation by several soldiers, talked with the soldiers, viewed their equipment, and for those interested – we flew over the Cedar Valley in a Chinook helicopter.
During the presentation one soldier – Colonel Hunter – mentioned responding to Parkersburg and Waverly in 2008. My time to say thank you had come! I watched and waited and finally had an opportunity to shake the hand of a gentleman that made a difference to so many people. Granted, he was part of a team that made a difference, but to me he was the person I could thank on behalf of all of the guardsmen and women.
Colonel Hunter, I again thank you for your service in 2008 and beyond. Your leadership, integrity, and belief in our country has benefitted each of us. Know that you and your fellow soldiers were appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to talk today.
Thank you!
Kip’s Comments - June 20, 2023
All of the Money$$
It doesn’t seem to matter how much money I have invested in camera equipment. Sometimes, like today, my good Nikon simply was not the correct tool for the job. My Nikon, with an off-camera flash (flash connected by a cord), was too large to physically fit in the small space allowed above a barn swallow nest.
When I was too cramped with my Nikon, I then switched to my GoPro with an auxiliary light. The GoPro fit in the small space, but could not focus as close as needed, resulting in blurry pictures.
Finally, it dawned on me that I may have the proper tool…
Kip’s Comments - June 19, 2023
Not Looking…They Appear
Twice today, when I was not even looking for any outdoor or wildlife images, subjects appeared.
Subject #1 were several wild garlic plants. Quite some time has passed since I last saw wild garlic. When I did today, I paused for a minute or so to document their presence.
Subject #2 was this…
Kip’s Comments - June 18, 2023
Inspired Macro Images
Unbeknownst to me a fellow emergency manager in the area is also an outdoor/wildlife photographer. Recently Jason began sharing some of his outdoor images with an emphasis on macro photos. Seeing his images was an inspiration for me to…