Kip’s Comments - August 18, 2023

Untold Stories

After another long day at the magic place to the north I unwound on the river tonight. It was just me, my camera, my canoe, and my paddle. Very few serious thoughts passed through my mind. Instead I embraced the quiet and the sights and sounds of a few birds.

As I was slowly paddling along the trees I noticed this feather on the water. As it spun around, floating haphazardly wherever the slow current took it, I couldn’t help but wonder - what stories could this feather tell? We know where its journey ends, but where did it begin? What locations were included in the travels from start to finish? What extremes were survived? Where is the owner of the feather now?

Yes, it is only a feather on the water, but think about it…what stories could be told?

Feather on Water - Image 835995

I mentioned I watched birds while relaxing. Tonight I was treated to a couple of warbler species flitting about near me on the water. This black and white warbler paused long enough for one acceptable image and then was gone.

Black and White Warbler - Image 835841


Kip’s Comments - August 19, 2023


Kip’s Comments - August 17, 2023