Kip’s Comments - June 6, 2024
Waiting For Darkness
Somehow Kristy managed to spot this waved sphinx moth as she was mowing tonight. She let me know about her find and I quickly got off the water (canoeing) to check it out. I believe this to be a waved sphinx moth.
Waved sphinx moths are sometimes called “hawk moths” or “hummingbird moths” for their hovering and probing of flowers with their proboscis. In fact, several info sources I found suggest that other than drawing up blossom nectar, the adults of this moth species do not eat. And, this moth is almost exclusively nocturnal - “hiding” during the day.
I am sharing three views of this interesting moth. Check out the detail they are created with. It is hard to believe waved sphinx moths spend much of their life as a green caterpillar. Nature is so interesting!
Waved Sphinx Moth - Image 887497
Waved Sphinx Moth - Image 887499
Waved Sphinx Moth - Image 887548