Kip’s Comments - June 5, 2024

Brave Fellow?

It’s one thing to pick up a live snapping turtle in the wild. In fact, most folks won’t risk fingers to lift a snapper. It is another thing, perhaps a demonstration of bravery, to pick up a wild snapping turtle and let it sit completely unconfined on your hand. Everything is at risk - from your thumb, to your fingers, and maybe the soft flesh of your hand.

When I saw this snapping turtle on the highway I put my fears away and quickly picked up the turtle to carry it to a safe spot where it was released.

Baby Snapping Turtle - Image 887464

Seriously - The turtle risked getting flattened by a passing vehicle. Since it was so young the turtle exhibited no aggressive attitude. The only risk was getting hit by a car when I stopped for the turtle that is now free and safe.


Kip’s Comments - June 6, 2024


Kip’s Comments - June 4, 2024