Kip’s Comments - May 28, 2024
It Happened! There is Hope!
For three years I have been trying to surprise our two oldest grandkids with wildlife/nature photography programs at their school. Finally, today, it happened.
First I completely surprised our oldest grandson when I showed up at his classroom, logged onto the computer, and shared interesting wildlife photos and videos. His class of third-graders were so attentive.
A little later the same happened for our princess, my favorite granddaughter, except it was not a surprise. Her little brother told her what happened. Still, it was fun talking with 108 fifth-graders and their teachers.
As we talked I shared several “rescue” stories that did not end well for the wildlife we were attempting to help. Each group of students followed the same emotional path… oh no, another sad wildlife story. Then I shared the story and video of the barred owl that Maurie found caught in fishing line and hanging over the Cedar River. He reported the suspended bird, several of us worked to rescue as it hung over the Cedar River, and then Terese and Black Hawk Wildlife Rehabilitation Project cared for it. For both classes, when the owl took flight in the video, the young people applauded, just like the folks on the bridge did during the actual release. It was so nice to see young people appreciate wildlife and their care. Way to go kids (and teachers)!
My photo for today is much less exciting than the kids were earlier today. I photographed a gray catbird - common, but they tend to hide in the trees.
Gray Catbird - Image 886508
Then I photographed a very uncommon plant that is coming up. Once again I paddled, battled countless mosquitos, and found the soon to arrive blossoms. More to come on this. Please - nobody ask the location or details. I will not share! Thanks
Upcoming Blossom - Image 886536