Kip’s Comments - May 2, 2024
Was Feeling Sorry, Then Changed My Mind
There they were… four tom turkeys strutting their stuff for a lone hen turkey. I felt so sorry for her. All the neighborhood boys were doing their best to impress her and she seemed absolutely uninterested.
Then it dawned on me… it is not that she was not interested yet. She just has to make a decision on which of the turkey fellows has most impressed her. My sympathy for the hen changed. Really, she was witnessing a tom turkey smorgasbord - the choice is all hers.
Not too far away I spotted a female hooded merganser too.
Wild Turkeys Strutting - Image 878585
Wild Turkeys Strutting - Image 878583
Not too far away I spotted a female hooded merganser too.
Female Hooded Merganser - Image 878561