Kip’s Comments - May 1, 2024
Quiet Time
Some days a person needs some quiet time in the outdoors. “Quiet time” has various definitions. In this case I am suggesting time in the outdoors with little to know human contact. In my situation there was plenty of bird noise and turtles splashing, but otherwise I enjoyed the solitude I needed. Perhaps a week or more of solitude would have been much better, but for today I will be satisfied with minutes. (By the way - I have now paddled in May. My string of paddling in every month of the year continues!)
Since I was out it only made sense to shoot some photos. Following is a sampling:
Sora - Image 878524
American Coot in Cattails - Image 878480
Blue-winged Teal - Image 878483
Painted Turtles on Log - Image 878556