Kip’s Comments - April 21, 2024
Tradeoffs… Priorities
After yesterdays post (late morning and dark, dreary, windy, and cold), I decided the Layla (our nearly blind, mostly deaf, terribly stubborn, and missing all of her teeth dog) and I should take a drive. She sat on the center console while she and I drove to central Iowa to surprise my daughter, her husband, her boys, and Kristy who had been there since Thursday. None of them expected us and they knew we were there when I put Layla in the house and she walked to the room where all of them were gathered. They were surprised when Ol’ Layla came strolling in!
How does that first paragraph equate to the title? Well, by not sticking around home I missed out on a beautiful morning of paddling at Sweet Marsh or on the Wapsipinicon River. I likely missed out on seeing trumpeter swans, sandhill cranes, and maybe some shorebirds. I missed out on canoeing when it was not windy. I missed out on nearly perfect wildlife photography conditions.
But, what was the tradeoff? By giving up this morning’s paddling I spent quality time with family last night and today. I enjoyed discussing various topics with three grandsons around me or on my lap. Time was enjoyed chatting adult conversation with my daughter, her husband, and my wife. We were all together relaxing. I/we just had a very good time. My priorities were correct - spend time with family when I have the opportunity. Enjoy them when I can.
And, on the way home we were able to see the other family too - albeit a brief visit, but a visit nonetheless. How nice was that!!!
When Layla and I travel we sometimes stop to smell the roses - OK, maybe not roses, but wildflowers. Sometimes it takes us longer to get where we are going, but eventually we arrive. Following are some pictures from our great time of traveling. I hope you too had a pleasant weekend.
Dutchman's Breeches - Image 876298
Mayapple - Image 876451
Spring Beauty - Image 876312
Trout Lily (Dogtooth Violet) - Image 876483
Trout Lily (Dogtooth Violet) - Image 876539
Trout Lily (Dogtooth Violet) - Image 876566
Turkey Vulture on Fence Post - Image 876392 (Notice the large feet!!)