Kip’s Comments - March 19, 2024
Pretend Dalmatian?
This afternoon Layla and I went for a walk at Alcock Park in Frederika. As we returned to the truck, the tones went off for a field fire only a mile or two away. Knowing the fire departments are often shorthanded, especially during the work day, and recognizing how often firefighters assist EMS providers, I drove to the scene and started tamping out fire with a shovel. Meanwhile, my imitation Dalmatian sat in my truck, in the field, watching the fire fight from her seat on my center console.
Very quickly the Frederika and Tripoli Fire Departments arrived on scene to put the fire out. Nobody was hurt and all went home without incident.
Layla at Corn Stubble Fire - Image 869336
I am not a firefighter and Layla is not a Dalmatian, but we can pretend!
Corn Stubble Fire - Image 869333