Kip’s Comments - February 17, 2025
Thank You Family!
This past Christmas I was the recipient of a couple of gifts that I thought were too much and should have been returned. I faced stiff opposition to my idea and have since been putting the Christmas presents to good use. What were these gifts? An electric coat and electric gloves. Both go with my electric socks.
Today, while temperatures were in the digits below zero before the wind was factored, I was standing outside in a bird feeding area. The effort was worthwhile since I came home still warm (except for my face) and with some acceptable images.
Barred Owl - Image 944163
Black-capped Chickadee - Image 944096
Black-capped Chickadee - Image 944133
Dark-eyed Junco - Image 943885
Dark-eyed Junco - Image 943897
Northern Cardinal - Image 943849
Red-tailed Hawk - Image 943800