Kip’s Comments - February 10, 2023
I Took My Canoe For A Ride
Ice changed my plans for paddling today.
The afternoon was going to be spent on the Shell Rock River, enjoying the protected water corridor, but when I arrived there was too much shelf ice at too sharp of an angle for me to safely move from the shoreline to my canoe.
I will admit that I made several attempts to position the canoe into a spot where safe entry might be possible, but it just wasn’t to be. So, after accepting defeat at the hands of a frozen river, I carried my canoe and gear back to my truck.
I cannot say that I was disappointed. After all, it is only February 10. Open water will come and I will again get out. I was just hoping to get started early. What I am thankful for is that I used restraint and did not take unnecessary chances that ended with me in a very cold river.
During my drive out and back with my canoe I did see a couple of bald eagles and one rough legged hawk. Each bird is featured below.
Rough-legged Hawk on Power Line - Image 790730
Rough-legged Hawk on Power Line - Image 790718
Bald Eagle in Conifer - Image 790686
Young Bald Eagle - Image 790744
Young Bald Eagle - Image 790778
Young Bald Eagle - Image 790779