Kip’s Comments - December 5, 2024
Finally… I Got Its Picture
For several months I have seen glimpses of a Cooper’s hawk as it flew over our little ponderosa looking (I presume) for a bird at one of my feeders.
Until today I only saw a glimpse and did not get a decent look at the hawk. This morning the hawk was perched in a position to make it more visible - albeit with spindly branches in front of it - for photos. So, turn around and shoot pictures is what I did.
My observation and photography time was brief, but there were enough seconds to capture a couple of views of the stunning hawk.
Note: This is likely a young Cooper’s hawk based on the yellow eyes. Adult Cooper’s hawks have red eyes.
For those wondering, the Carolina wrens were not blown to North or South Carolina during yesterday and last night’s winds. I am curious how they weathered the wind, but they did.