Kip’s Comments - October 22, 2023

“That Place”

I have a place where I can go to lose my senses as I recover my soul. I can tell you about it… I can walk you to the spot… but it won’t be the same for you.

Happenings in the past few weeks have put me in “that place” frequently. Issues around the globe are disturbing to consider. Learning the truth about those close to home has been even more challenging. “That place” gives me solace and helps me to center my thoughts again.

“That place” has been exceptionally effective recently, especially with the sensory conditions. Autumn colors, sounds, and smells… quiet space to reflect… and a peacefulness not easily found elsewhere. “That place” is mine, even when I try to share it.

I hope you too have “that place” where you can escape for comfort. If you do, hopefully you visit often. If you have yet to find your “That place,” I pray your path leads you there soon.

Autumn Cabin Scene - Image 852743


Kip’s Comments - October 23, 2023


Kip’s Comments - October 21, 2023