Kip’s Comments - January 14, 2024
Incoming, Parked, and Planted
Early this morning I spotted white shadows, if there are such things, moving low over the wind-blown, snow-covered field beside me. Very quickly I pulled safely off the road to watch the scene as the incoming trumpeter swans approached and passed over me. That few seconds were “Wow” moments, especially after the many cloudy and snowy days we have been enjoying (not really enjoying).
Trumpeter Swans in Flight - Image 863274
If you look at the left-most swan in the “incoming” picture of the flock, you might notice its neck is not straight. When the birds were closer I recorded a better view. I cannot say for sure if we are seeing a swan adapting to an injury or if maybe the wave in its neck is nothing.
Trumpeter Swans in Flight - Image 863285
Later in the day I noticed many ring-necked pheasants and other bird species feeding out in the open. I am guessing with the weather of the past days few of the birds have eaten like they need to survive this frigid blast. This hen was observant, but continued to eat. Good for her!
Hen Ring-necked Pheasant in Snow - Image 863287
Hen Ring-necked Pheasant in Snow - Image 863290
Finally, since the sundogs were so prominent in the sky this morning and afternoon I thought I better record and share at least one image. I didn’t want to just point my camera at the sky to take a picture. Instead, I looked around for something suitable for foreground objects. I did not plant these cedar trees with the necessary spacing for the sundogs, but they worked to balance the composition.
Sundogs and Cedar Trees - Image 863273