Kip’s Comments - January 13, 2024
Scenes From Today - A Variety
After repairing my once-every-few years obligatory “snowblower breakdown when I really needed it to work” this morning, I explored our area of this cold dirtball. Actually, I did shoot a couple of photos as soon as I went outside early today - before the repairs - as seen below. For the record, we do not remember ever having drifts so tall in front of two of our main doors. Its a good thing we didn’t have a fire!
Snow Drifts Blocking Doors - Image 863123
Sundogs - Image 863125
Since I really do not enjoy miserably cold weather like we are having, I thought I would manipulate the sundog image to make it even more gloomy.
Sundogs - Image 863125 manipulated
Now for a view my relatives from further away seldom - if ever- see. My view of the roads today.
Rural Road in Blizzard - Image 863258
This picture was not much on its own. By removing all color except for the leaves, and then shading the outer edges, the picture looks much better.
Red Oak in Winter - Image 863201
Finally… Long-time readers have probably noticed I tend to be on the private side. Today I am expanding my comfort bubble by sharing a winter picture of where we live. This view was from about 1/8 mile away.
Our Farm in Blizzard - Image 863193