Kip’s Comments - March 7, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 7, 2023

One Picture

Today as I was leaving a wildlife area I noticed movement in the nearby brush. Since the activity was close, I watched as this raccoon sniffed and wandered around, even sitting up on its back-end twice (sorry - no picture). By the time I had a camera in hand the ‘coon had already made its way to a small tree surrounded by thick vegetation leftover from last year. Thoughts of not being able to shoot a decent picture were very real.

Instead of giving up, I….

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Kip’s Comments - March 6, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 6, 2023

Incoming, Outgoing, and Staying

Tis the time of year to enjoy the multitude of migratory species passing through the area. Most of the migrants (birds) are incoming, but some will soon be outgoing.

For incoming birds today I watched the most sandhill cranes I have seen so…

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Kip’s Comments - March 5, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 5, 2023

From the Water

The greatest time of the year is beginning - when migrating birdlife can be found in many places.

Unlike any other year since I have been photographing wildlife, this spring I do not have the good fortune of Marten’s Lake at Sweet Marsh to attract waterfowl while providing enough water to paddle my canoe for photos at close range. Due to renovation work, Marten’s Lake has been drained.

With everything changed from my “normal” migration documentation routine, I have been forced to find alternate birding locations. Today I paddled a….

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Kip’s Comments - March 4, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 4, 2023

Surprise During Teaching Times

This morning I spent quality time with one of my grandsons. Our intent was for me to teach him how to use a compass while at the same time work with him to shoot outdoor photos.

We hiked a trail that wove in and out of trees. Some of the trees were conifers - trees that are prime habitat for owls. As we hiked under the trees we found random aged (fragile/soggy) owl pellets. Those pellets made perfect subject matter for a young lad to learn to work a camera on. Owl pellets don’t move making framing and focusing easier than a living subject. So, we practiced shooting photos on owl pellets.

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Kip’s Comments - March 3, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 3, 2023

Nature Surprises

During a couple of walks at Sweet Marsh today I was treated to multiple nature surprises. My first outing had me seeing hundreds of greater white-fronted geese with two snow geese grubbing among them. Also present were sandhill cranes, trumpeter swans, and two lesser scaups.

This afternoon I was treated to the greater white-fronted geese with two snow geese again. A nicer surprise was finding….

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Kip’s Comments - March 2, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 2, 2023

Spying on Waterfowl

For a bit of time today I was able to look around for migrating (or resident) waterfowl that might be taking advantage of the little puddles of open water.

My best find was a small pond surrounded by tall grasses with a break in them that framed a gathering of….

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Kip’s Comments - March 1, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - March 1, 2023

Company is Here!

After what seems to have been much longer than a normal winter, the spring migration has begun. Even though area water bodies are either out of their banks with spring flood water or still remain covered by winter ice, plenty of migrants have arrived.

I am not going to bother sharing the duck inf flight images since the pintails and mallards were quite far away. Green-winged teals were exhibiting interesting behavior by feeding on something unknown on the ice, so I will share a sample of those photos. Hundreds of….

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Kip’s Comments - February 28, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 28, 2023


Last night as I drove into the yard I spotted two skunks grubbing around not far from our yard line. For a few brief seconds I was frustrated by the “wildness” of our home area. We do not need skunks so close. Then I remembered that with the “wild” that brings skunks I also enjoy positive species the wild attracts - like bald eagles.

Most days we have very majestic adult birds watching over/hunting our yard. On several occasions juvenile birds have taken perch in our spruce trees to scan the area. Today we had a….

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Kip’s Comments - February 27, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 27, 2023

Valedictorian of YouTube University

It is no secret that what information I need to know is much greater than what I actually know. Since my curiosity outweighs my intelligence, I am a regular attendee of the University of YouTube.

If and when I do not know something, I turn to YouTube and almost always I find my answers. In fact, I cannot think of a time yet when somebody somewhere hasn’t had the same questions I have and did not post a solution on YouTube.

Recently I have been trying to learn the capabilities of the camera on my cell phone. Specifically, I wanted to know if there was some method for recording long exposure images. Sure enough, the answer was on YouTube. I tried it and it worked. Contact me if you me to explain how to do create long exposures.

Today I am sharing before and after images illustrating how this works with a cell phone. Both images were recorded at the dam in Frederika. The first image was the standard stop action photo and the second image was the long exposure.

Note: The images were not to showcase how pretty the dam is when the water is high (it is not pretty). Instead, the photos simply show how well the cell phone can create long exposures.

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Kip’s Comments - February 26, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 26, 2023

Daytime and Nighttime

Today went by very quickly…a volleyball tournament that went many hours followed by some work that was necessary.

I had no time for outdoor photography during daylight hours. Instead of ending my streak of working with my camera every day, I went out tonight for an evening sky shot. What a surprise that was - the wind has kicked up, the temperature has dropped, and clouds have moved in. Still, by opening my shutter for a long time I was able to record an image that shows what the sky might look like if the current nighttime was daytime.

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Kip’s Comments - February 25, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 25, 2023

Disappointing the Purists

If a person either ignored the wind or dressed for the wind today, it really ended up being a pleasant day. A bright shining sun put a big dent in the ice cover we received this past week.

Conditions were so nice that I went canoeing, hiked a couple of miles with my backpack on, and then began testing my wilderness power system - a solar panel, battery pack, and battery chargers.

I used to be a purist about electronics on my backcountry outings. Carrying electronics did not seem to allow for a full disconnect from our day-to-day life. However, after having two people suffer sudden cardiac arrests while canoeing with me, I never.…

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Kip’s Comments - February 24, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 24, 2023

Thankful for Tired Veins

Here we are, seven years into a long battle with cancer. I hate cancer, but what I do and do not like does not matter. Cancer strikes when you do not expect it and cancer is indiscriminate.

The cancer I am referring to is not mine, but a dear family member’s disease. I am healthy (as far as I know) and my family member is stable. But, that stability with a cancer diagnosis does not come easy. At least every three weeks we travel to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota for a dose of expensive meds that make the disease more visible for the body to see and fight. So far this form of treatment has been tolerated well and appears to be keeping the disease to a minimum level - an almost imperceptible level.

To deliver the soup into the veins requires needle pokes - many of them. My family member began this journey with veins that had already endured decades of efforts carrying blood through them. Then those very veins began a regiment of being poked and prodded at a regular interval. When successful on the needling, chemicals are then….

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Kip’s Comments - February 23, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 23, 2023

What Once Was Lost Has Been Found

Many years ago our family of four traveled to the west coast to visit family members and spend a day at Disneyland. During our drive westward we stopped in Colorado for a hike up in the mountains. What we did not know at the time was that I am sensitive to altitude. Whether I acclimate or not, if I go too high (doesn’t take much) I feel the effects in a not so pleasant way.

On this trip we began our hike at around 8,800 feet. Partway up the hike Kristy and our daughter decided it would be best for them to not continue climbing while my son and I kept going. By the time he and I reached our camp for the night, both of us were quite ill. In fact, we heard a large animal or animals sniffing outside of our tent and….

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Kip’s Comments - February 22, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 22, 2023

Future Beauty…Bring the Bees and Butterflies

I must admit, after opening yesterday’s delivery I am very excited. Kristy and I are going to plant an acre of ground near our home in pollinator habitat and our seeds have arrived!

The base vegetation will be primarily a mix of grasses with a handful of forb species mixed in. To add color and more wildflowers, we…

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Kip’s Comments - February 21, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 21, 2023

Long Time No See

Since we are no longer as close as we used to be to this lone tree in a field, I do not see it very often. Tonight our paths crossed with a touch of colors behind the tree. I paused, shot a couple of pictures, and continued on.

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Kip’s Comments - February 20, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 20, 2023

Seen Before Testing Began

I had the day off today so I invested my time in testing the in-the-field video and audio quality differences, along with image stabilization qualities, between my IPhone and my GoPro. If I had an external mic for my phone like I do for my GoPro, the differences would approaching insignificant levels for my hiking/backpacking uses.

En route to the testing at Malanaphy Springs I passed by this bald eagle on perch along the road. As the picture shows, it did not remain still for long.

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Kip’s Comments - February 19, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 19, 2023

Looking for Sheds and Other Things

Now that most of the snow is gone again (thank goodness!!), it was time for me to get out to look for antler sheds. Rather than drag this post out, I will tell you I found no sheds - nothing, not one shed.

Although I found no sheds, I did find something that really got me excited. I found my second saw-whet owl of the year! Along with the owl there was mouse on the branch next to the owl - obviously an indicator of….

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Kip’s Comments - February 18, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 18, 2023

Practicing, Like Old Times

Years ago I hiked countless miles with a backpack to prepare for a hike on the Appalachian Trail, across Isle Royale National Park, on the Escarpment Trail in the Porkies, or various other destinations.

Some time has passed since I last did a backpacking trip, but the urge is stronger than ever. I am hopeful that sometime this spring, summer, or fall I will be able to go for a long walk again.

To prepare for such an outing, Kristy and I hiked some miles today while I carried a pack. Over the past weeks I have gone over every item in the pack to…

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Kip’s Comments - February 17, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 17, 2023

I Wish I Could Bring Everyone With Me

This afternoon I had the honor of sharing wildlife images and stories with folks no longer able to easily get out to explore. Through photos and my stories we were able to wonder some, feel sad a little, and laugh often. My time with these friends was really my joy for the afternoon and I thank Mark for getting the process started.

As I drove away after my program, my eyes were tuned to the environment around me. Would I or would I not see wildlife in a position that was interesting and close enough for me to attempt to photograph it? Nine miles into my journey home I spotted a shape deep in a conifer not too far off the ground. Fortunately the bald eagle…

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Kip’s Comments - February 16, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - February 16, 2023

The Battle is Real!

Not cold, not snow, not wind seems to stop the irritating visits by small rodents in our yard. When it warmed the past few days, mole and vole destruction was evident near the flower bed. Several traps have been set but I have yet to stop one.

On a smaller scale we have a continuous supply of mice. This mouse succumbed to the force of spring steel when the rodent went to work on a kernel of corn. Turn out the lights…the mouse party at our house has ended!

This mouse has been offered to larger predators to help them through the winter. I really don’t care whether it is a fox, a hawk, or a bald eagle that grabs this snack. Please, take it away and then come back and hunt the living critters!

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