Kip’s Comments - January 26, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 26, 2023


During my drive with the dog today I spotted this bald eagle on alert, on perch, near a nest. I am wondering if its mate was in the nest, possibly sitting on eggs. Time will tell.

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Kip’s Comments - January 25, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 25, 2023

Ol’ Layla

For a decade or so we had two Shih tzu dogs in our family - Lexi and Layla. Lexi was a smart dog with a bit of a princess mentality, and very much a close companion. We lost Lexi too soon. Layla was the opposite type of dog Describing Layla requires a paragraph of its own.

Layla has that typical scrunched face that Shih tzus are born with. Her body is considerably wider than her undercarriage - likely from her fondness for human food. Layla’s eyes are a shade of blue or a milky white due to cataracts. Even before she developed cataracts, her eyes protruded and looked in different directions. She is either partially deaf or has mastered selective deafness. The dog can’t always hear, but crinkle a mini-marshmallow bag just a little bit and she is on full alert. Ol’ Layla developed serious dental problems resulting in a series of surgeries. She now does not have one tooth in her mouth. Without teeth, her tongue falls out of her mouth, often with a left lean. With the tongue hanging uncontrollably, she tends to drool. Her attitude waivers between standoffish and welcoming…she decides and we respond accordingly.

This afternoon after work I thought it would be nice of me to…

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Kip’s Comments - January 24, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 24, 2023

Beautiful Introduced Species

Much of the time when someone mentions an introduced species, the thought of negative, unexpected consequences comes to mind - think of plants or fish species that take over native populations. On those more rare occasions when an introduced species does not have detrimental effects, we think nothing but good of them - as in the ring-necked pheasant.

Conditions like we have had the past couple of days have made rooster pheasants shine. The sun on their bright, colorful feathers against a background of snow is a sight to behold. Such compositions are certainly a delight to nature photographers - an introduced species or not.

This fellow was out scratching around in a field of snow. I could not see that he hit any grain, but with a little more time and perhaps some luck, he will have a meal for the day. Or, by being exposed out in the open he may become a meal for the day for an eagle, fox, or coyote.

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Kip’s Comments - January 23, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 23, 2023

Ready To Take Action

I teach many active shooter/active threat response classes with local law enforcement officers each year. Of the options to possibly save your life (Run, Hide, Fight) - the hide option is one where too often I see people get themselves boxed in.

As we discuss this in the trainings…if you are going to hide, hide in a manner that allows you to quickly get up to fight, or run, or take down the threat - whatever you deem to be in your best interest. Do not hide in a way that you can do nothing if you are found. We encourage people to be in a position to spring up and take action - to fight like your life depends on it because it probably does.

I thought of that discussion as I watched this bald eagle on a frosty perch. One minute the bird appeared to be resting comfortably and a split-second later the bird had…

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Kip’s Comments - January 22, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 22, 2023

Yesterday’s Discussion on Patience Becomes Life

Yesterday I had a social media conversation with a friend of mine who does a lot of fishing - like almost everyday. He was telling me how he spent fours hours on the ice for one fish. My comment was something about him having more patience than me. To that he replied something about me having patience to sit and wait for a bird to turn its head for a picture. Yes, I guess we both have patience when it comes to our passions.

I thought about that exchange a couple of times today when I was out waiting for birds to turn their heads, or even appear, for photos. Yes Dave, you were right. I did demonstrate patience today.

My hours on the watch for birds totaled up to nearly a full working day. I split the day into two sessions - one for typical backyard winter birds and then later I watched for short-eared owls and observed more bird species.

While watching for backyard birds I found a couple of species of interest - a Eurasian tree sparrow and a white-throated sparrow. Along with those two species I enjoyed interactions with cardinals and chickadees.

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Kip’s Comments - January 21, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 21, 2023

In Search of That One Picture

Daybreak came with a heavy blanket of fog or frost or mist or whatever we call it today. As I watched and waited for a break in the conditions, I eventually decided to venture out after recognizing what I was seeing was what I would be getting for this Saturday.

It would have been easy to concentrate my photographic efforts only on frosty or foggy scenic images since the conditions were perfect. I did record an assortment of winter landscape photos with a sampling shared here.

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Kip’s Comments - January 20, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 20, 2023

Ihaventpaddleditis - An Affliction

Nearly three weeks have passed since I last paddle a canoe or kayak. My withdrawal symptoms are increasing each day. Today it was go paddling or suffer at a worse pace than already is happening. So, go paddling I did on the Shell Rock River in Shell Rock.

Water levels and velocity on the river were…

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Kip’s Comments - January 19, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 19, 2023

Marten’s Lake at Sweet Marsh - An Update

A number of you have asked if I know what is happening at Marten’s Lake at Sweet Marsh.

You might remember that late last spring/early summer Marten’s Lake was drained to allow for much needed renovations. Existing channels were to be deepened and a couple of new, deeper channels were to be dug.

According to the specifications for the project that I found, the work was to be done this winter with a completion date of next month. I think the reality would be the work might take longer since drying out the pool took considerable time.

I had not wandered the dikes for a few months, assuming work was being done, so this past weekend I took a walk. My expectation when I reached Marten’s Lake was that I might see a partially/nearly complete project with deeper channels dug, spoil on the dikes, and likely heavy equipment in the area. What I saw was disappointing. I saw some equipment tracks on the dikes, but otherwise saw….

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Kip’s Comments - January 18, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 18, 2023

Color Casts

If you study the technology behind camera sensors you learn that even the most complex sensor designed by man does not have the abilities to “see” like a human eye and brain. Our brain and eyes automatically adjust color balance without any intentional effort on our part - like our breathing is automatic. Electronic sensors record whatever light they are exposed to exactly in the color temperature of that light.

Tonight’s picture is an illustration of…

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Kip’s Comments - January 17, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 17, 2023

Not the Evil Eye, But a Good Sport

When the outdoor conditions and time constraints do not allow for my typical nature photography, I opt to utilize my time improving on imaging techniques for later use. For example - today’s conditions outside were miserable for outside photo shooting. Instead of wasting available minutes, I chose to expand my macro photography skills and techniques inside with my wife.

Thankfully my wife is a good sport and allowed me to borrow her eyeballs for…

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Kip’s Comments - January 16, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 16, 2023

An Illusion

Regular visitors to this page know that I have an appreciation for lone trees in fields. Some folks say the trees were planted for shade, others suggest to pull stumps. I suppose for most lone trees in fields the reason for their existence is not known.

This is not a lone tree on a hill in the fencerow between two fields. It is two trees appearing as one from just a certain observation point.

Two trees or one, I like the composition.

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Kip’s Comments - January 15, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 15, 2023

Update Coming

A considerable number of people have asked me if I know what is (or is not) happening at Marten’s Lake of Sweet Marsh. At this time I know only what I can see as far as the renovation project goes. I hope to have information later this week and will share it here.

While looking around today I found this interesting feather positioned in the mud near what used to be underwater fish structure (a dead tree). How it has weathered our weather is a question I cannot answer.

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Kip’s Comments - January 14, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 14, 2023

I Did It, I Stayed Awake!!

A growing number of friends and family have learned that if I sit still, or certainly if I lay down for too long - like a few minutes - I quickly fall asleep. I have no problem dozing off, regardless of conditions.

This afternoon I went out looking for short-eared owls, hoping to maybe see one in good light. That effort involved searching in frozen marsh habitat, woody wetland vegetation, and on some grassy areas.

After one of my wandering sessions I reached an elevated knoll where I took a break to watch and wait. I was dressed in multiple layers that covered everything but my eyelids and the skin around my eyes. Soon I was lying on the ground in wait - I suppose expecting the short-eared owls to fly directly overhead.

As comfortable as I was, including being horizontal, I did not…

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Kip’s Comments - January 13, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 13, 2023

Looking for Eyes or a Mouth

Every few weeks or so I travel with a family member to the state to our north. Our trips are necessary and trump any wandering outside with my Nikon.

When we are on the road I have camera equipment with me to document any scenic observations or wildlife sightings. Today we had nothing to record as far as scenery was considered. All wildlife observations were at too far of a distance to make efforts worthwhile.

Since I came home with no picture to share for my “Picture a Day” project (beginning 18th year on February 1), I was left with few options other than what I could work with at home.

I gathered all of my macro equipment - extension tubes and close-up filters - so that I could photograph at very close range…

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Kip’s Comments - January 12, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 12, 2023

In The Old Days

Long ago, before I ever picked up a film camera, I was a fox hunter. My effective tool was a high-power rifle that would nearly instantly deliver a well-placed, hand loaded bullet, a hundred or two hundred yards out into a field.

At the time, hunting in a lethal form was my passion. I worked third shift, we were a young family, and I hunted for meat and cash (furs). Not only did fox provide me with a reason to be out and some funds, but it was fox that caused me to pick up a camera that still has not been permanently put down.

Fast forward to the more recent past when farmer friends allowed me to photograph a fox den under one of their outbuildings. I spent 3-4 hours a night, almost 5 nights a week, for nearly 9-weeks at that den. My time spent at that den watching the young grow from so little to able to begin life on their own ended my ability to hunt fox with a rifle. I saw their personalities, their attitudes, and I saw a change in my perspective…

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Kip’s Comments - January 11, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 11, 2023


Fourteen hours after my work day began I am now calling it quits. As I went into my last meeting for the night, I noticed how respectfully lit the flags and memorial is for veterans in the City of Frederika. I have seen the memorial frequently, was present for the dedication, and have looked at the stones, but seeing it at night, in the winter, gave it a different look. Very nice, very solemn…

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Kip’s Comments - January 10, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 10, 2023

Long Distance, Thought Provoking Conversation

Tonight my uncle in North Carolina and I were having a conversation based on an article in a magazine we both read - “Wildlife in North Carolina.” This article featured the loggerhead shrike - a bird we do not have here in Northeast Iowa. As I read the article, the characteristics described of the loggerhead shrike matched almost exactly the northern shrike that is seen in our area - except our shrike is a little larger.

Both species of shrikes feed on small birds and rodents. It is not uncommon for shrikes to skewer their prey on thorns or even barbed-wire fences.

Our conversation then went to…

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Kip’s Comments - January 9, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 9, 2023

I Have Met My Match

After shooting more than 800,000 images I have developed some reliable photography skills. As practiced as I am, shooting short-eared owls in flight that are quite a distance away in very low light conditions has beaten me. In fact, I am not sure I even want to share any bad pictures recorded late this afternoon. But, I tried and did the best I could under the conditions. So I will share a disappointing image.

For others wanting to photograph the short-eared owls, did you notice the…

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Kip’s Comments - January 8, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 8, 2023

Our Snow Globe (and a surprise)!

Again this morning those of us in Northeast Iowa woke to a real-life snow globe effect due to thick frost covering everything outside. When I saw the frost I had two goals in mind - to record a scenic image or two or three of the pretty scenes and to record photos of wildlife in frosty settings. It took some effort, but I accomplished both. I will begin by sharing images of birds of prey in frost-covered environments. (Notice the frost on the feathers of the bald eagle).

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Kip’s Comments - January 7, 2023
Ladage Photography Ladage Photography

Kip’s Comments - January 7, 2023

Raw Materials

I am not a quitter! Featured here may be the raw materials necessary to create 36 waxworms into a meal of fresh fish. Notice that I used the word “may” to describe the possibility of converting bait into food. There are no guarantees.

An expert angler told me he uses “spikes” for bait. I considered buying spikes, but the cost was considerably higher for something that may or may not be worthwhile. And by the way, supposedly there are 36 waxworms in this container. Apparently some are microscopic in size or excellent hiders - I did not find them.

While we are discussing waxworms, I did some research on them. According to Wikipedia, waxworms may have some value much higher than bait or food for reptile pets. They also may not be capable of…

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