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Kip’s Comments - September 7, 2024

Scenes From 10+ Hours of Fishing

What a day... 10+ hours of fishing with grandkids. What fun! We saw so much while on and around the water. These were some of the scenes.

Grandkids in Boat - Image 909332 (featuring our conehead granddaughter preparing for snags. Her hair was in a bun.)

Grandson Watching His Bobber - Image 909183

Grandson Tired on Boat - Image 909247

We did see ample wildlife today too.

Hornworm Parasitic Wasp - Image 908926

Lady Beetle Pupa - Image 908957

Painted Turtle on Log - Image 909273

Large Northern Water Snake - image 908989

Large Northern Water Snake - image 909104

Large Northern Water Snake - image 909139