Kip’s Comments - September 16, 2022
Amazing Precision In-flight Work
After work today, as I was walking to the door, a very busy white-lined sphinx moth caught my attention. This moth is heavy-bodied and requires vigorous wing-beats to fly. As a result, the sphinx moths are sometimes confused with hummingbirds.
I did some research on the white-lined sphinx moth and learned they cannot survive our harsh winters. The moths we see moved up from the south. Those observed now are probably from a second wave that occurs in August and September.
This white-lined sphinx moth was attracted to our sedum plants that also attract numerous butterflies, moths, bees, and other flying insects. Photographing this one was challenging since the sedums were in the shade and due to the fact the wings are beating so fast on the moths. Of the many pictures shot, only a few captured the moth with the sharp detail I was looking for.
White-lined Sphinx Moth - image 771166
White-lined Sphinx Moth - image 771193
White-lined Sphinx Moth - image 771226
White-lined Sphinx Moth - image 771238