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Kip’s Comments - September 10, 2023

Two Views of Clear Lake and Discouraging View of Sweet Marsh

Kristy and I joined friends to camp at Clear Lake State Park this weekend. I knew heading up there that the lake is very popular for fishing and boating - meaning there was plenty of big water. I, on the other hand, prefer shallow water or marshy conditions. I just see so much more where there is habitat for wildlife to hide.

Friday evening I scouted for someplace to drop my kayak into the lake where I might find my favored habitat. On the southwest edge of the lake I found what I was looking for. Early on Saturday morning I was on the water finding habitat and finding wildlife. Unknown to me is I was paddling near the “Lone Tree Preserve” - a natural area protected by a very generous family. In the future I hope to explore the preserve on foot. Thank you to the family!!

For those wondering… Clear Lake has been infested with zebra mussels. My kayak will not go on water again for many days, even though it looks clean. I do not want to be a carrier responsible for infesting another body of water.

I put together a brief video of some of the scenes. View it at this link:

“A Camera and a Kayak - Paddling Clear Lake”

I will include a few sample images with this post.

Bald Eagles at Clear Lake - Image 840613

Paddling on Clear Lake - Image 841152

Ring-billed Gull at Clear Lake - Image 840757

Spotted Sandpiper at Clear Lake - Image 840792

American Woodcock at Clear Lake - Image 840818

Paddling Clear Lake - Image 841299

From a more discouraging view… Portions of Sweet Marsh - in this case near the entrance to the South End - are dry except for a puddle. When there is no rain there is no water to run through the marsh. I wonder how long it will take to recover. The flora will probably be quick. I don’t know about the fauna.

Sweet Marsh in Drought - Image 841405

Sweet Marsh in Drought - Image 841410

Sweet Marsh in Drought - Image 841412

Sweet Marsh in Drought - Image 841417

Sweet Marsh in Drought - Image 841433