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Kip’s Comments - August 24, 2024

No Consistency But I Had Fun

Today was one of those days dedicated to photography on two projects that had no direct connection to each other.

Paddlers on Cedar River - Image DJI_0020r

Project 1 was to shoot video and still photos of the paddlers in the Rugged Toad Adventure Triathlon - 2024. If you wish to view the complete video, click on this link:

Rugged Toad Adventure Triathlon 2024

While waiting for the paddlers to make their way down the Cedar River I had an osprey do a close fly-by. Of course I recorded the few seconds of "together time."

Osprey on Cedar River - Image 904528

Osprey on Cedar River - Image 904535

Project 2 was a self-assignment to photographically explore the Bremer Avenue bridge replacement project again. I was not expecting workers to be at the scene, but they were as access was being constructed into the river. I took some time to record some creative images too. View that video at this link:

Bremer Avenue Bridge Update - Working on Saturday

Bremer Avenue Bridge - Image 904617mono