Kip’s Comments - August 20, 2023

Since My Last Post -

Since yesterday I was blessed with several nature photography opportunities. I will share them below, but please understand there may not appear to be any order to them.

#1 - Late last night I noticed this painted lady butterfly hanging under a bird feeder. I flipped the image for easier viewing.

Painted Lady Butterfly at Night - Image 836033

Painted Lady Butterfly at Night - Image 836039

#2 - When I arrived at the cabin to go paddling this morning I noticed a large white bird on the water in front of our cabin. We had an American white pelican near our dock. I photographed the pelican from the shore and then again after I was on the water.

American White Pelican on Wapsipinicon River - Image 836047

American White Pelican on Wapsipinicon River - Image 836074

#3 - Once I was on the Wapsie I found and photographed several green herons. Most of the pictures were not the best due to busy backgrounds. A couple versions seem to work for me.

Green Heron Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 836155

Green Heron Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 836156

Green Heron Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 836268

Green Heron Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 836290

Green Heron Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 836169

#4 - As I paddled up around the bend of a river I noticed something white in the water. At first I was concerned I had found a hawk caught in fishing line. Eventually the bird took flight. My guess is the hawk was as warm as I was. (There was nothing wrong with it.)

Broad-winged Hawk in Wapsipinicon River - Image 836104

Broad-winged Hawk in Wapsipinicon River - Image 836113

#5 - A couple of other birds of interest were a belted kingfisher and a spotted sandpiper.

Belted Kingfisher Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 836083

Spotted Sandpiper Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 836132

#6 - I did see a couple of wildflower species worthy of pictures too.

Jewelweed (Touch-me-not) Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 836327

Cardinal Flower Along Wapsipinicon River - Image 836308

I think I had an interesting day!


Kip’s Comments - August 21, 2023


Kip’s Comments - August 19, 2023