Kip’s Comments - July 16, 2024

Seven Months

Today marks seven months since I fell on ice and tore my shoulder and bicep apart. Undone during the injury was the work from two successful surgeries from twenty-five or so years earlier. With one sudden drop to the ground my bicep was torn, my bicep was torn where it connects in the joint, and my rotator cuff was torn loose in two places. All had to be repaired and reattached using additional hardware. Frustratingly, all was entirely preventable, but that is a different story.

Seven months ago “life” changed for me - at least from my active life perspective. Paddling… something I am passionate about, became uncomfortable. Even carrying my camera equipment became painful. And now, several weeks post-surgery with my arm secured to my side with a “no weight bearing” restriction, my daily life is different. I am challenged to adapt to new activities with considerably less action. I have not paddled since the day before my surgery with no “sincere” paddling in my future for some time to come. My camera bag has been pared down to carry only minimal gear that can be slung with my “good” arm. And I sit in my ice/compression machine hopeful I can recover some strength and use in my dominant arm again.

Let’s look forward. With considerable restrictions in place - constraints necessary for healing - I have learned new ways to do what I so enjoy - outdoor photography.

During the past weeks I have really worked with the camera on my cell phone to capture the endless beauty around us. My drone has seen more use than I could have imagined since the controller weighs so little. My Nikon with the long lens… I use that only if I can pick it up and set it with my left arm. Most of the longer lens shooting is from my truck. But, it works!

Limitations or not, I have certainly been learning to “see” more, to study with intent, and to better document our outdoor or natural world if or when possible. I have gained a better appreciation for what we have been blessed with.

As I reviewed my images from today it was apparent that I am still, even when uncomfortable, finding things to photograph. Some of the pictures even seem to capture special moments - moments I likely would not have recognized had I not been in a sling- even though I was not able physically put into them what I wanted. The essence of the moments were captured and now I will share some from today with you now.

Warbling Vireo - Image 895744

Warbling Vireo - Image 895789

False Sunflower - Image 895827

Common Yellowthroat - Image 895677

Carpenter-mimic Leafcutter Bee - Image 895667

Female Orchard Oriole - Image 895687

Hairy Vetch - Image 895843

Indigo Bunting - Image 895706

Compass Plant Against Sky - Image 895818

Great Blue Heron in Top of Tree - Image 895691

Great Blue Heron in Top of Tree - Image 895691 (cropped) (A different view than normal!)

Wholeleaf Rosinweed - Image 895869

Window Skimmer Dragonfly - Image 895911


Kip’s Comments - July 17, 2024


Kip’s Comments - July 15, 2024