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Kip’s Comments - June 7, 2024

A “New to Me” Species and Many Others

I fought zillions or more bugs this morning to photograph wildlife at Sweet Marsh. One of the bird species was a “Life” bird for me - one I have not seen before. It is always a pleasant surprise to see another new wildlife species.

Scroll down. Not all pictures are of birds.

Bell's Vireo - Image 887562 (A “Life” bird for me!)

Great Egret in Marsh - Image 887624

Male Indigo Bunting - Image 887628

Sandhill Cranes at Sweet Marsh - image 887770

Sandhill Cranes at Sweet Marsh - image 887780

Song Sparrow - Image 887640

Swamp Sparrow - Image 887688

Yellow Warbler - Image 887690

Whitetail Doe with Fawn at Marsh - Image 887920

White Campion - Image 887962