Kip’s Comments - June 30, 2024

Reality and Altered Reality

My morning walk among the flowers generated thoughts about today’s post. Do I shoot and share pictures without alterations or may I take liberties to adjust as desired with declaration? I am opting to share some photos with no editing and some that are less specimen images and more “nature as art” style photos (edited).

Halloween Pennant Dragonfly - Image 892832

Let’s begin with the unaltered images. For these photos I will feature a couple of the dragonflies calling our pollinator habitat home. Two observations were apparent. The dragonflies really like to use last year’s dead vegetation as hunting posts. Both came back to the same stalks time and again. The second observation was that small moths dare not take flight when the dragonflies are out. I watched one tan moth go airborne, then get chased by a dragonfly, then be consumed by the same dragonfly - all in less than a minute. Nature is amazing!

Widow Skimmer Dragonfly - Image 892968

Widow Skimmer Dragonfly Eating Moth - Image 893005

For the altered reality images there is not much I need to explain. Enjoy the wildflower blossoms for what they are - pretty and simple works of art.

Garden Cosmos - Image 892815

Poppy - Image 892627

Black-eyed Susan - Image 892502

Garden Cosmos - Image 891795

Black-eyed Susan - Image 892549

Black-eyed Susan - Image 892571

Black-eyed Susan - Image 892774


Kip’s Comments - July 1, 2024


Kip’s Comments - June 29, 2024