Kip’s Comments - June 12, 2023
Rain Please, In Moderation
Assuming the Good Lord, or Mother Nature, or the weather Gods are monitoring social media, I would like to respectfully request adequate rains falling in moderation without storms. Maybe that is a big “ask” of me, but we and many others desperately need rain.
Early this morning, before 5:00AM, I got up to water our trees. Without rain our windbreak is at risk. Without rain our pollinator habitat will never take off. Without rain our lawn is turning to crunches.
So, with that, I again respectfully ask for rain without a big production - no storms and no floods - just nice rain.
Thank you!
These pictures were what I saw today during my watering efforts.
Water Coming Out of Hose - Image 823611
Norway Spruce Cone - Image 823550
Norway Spruce Red Tip - Image 823596