Kip’s Comments - June 10, 2023
Enjoy Your Time and More
While watering trees this morning I found and photographed this spring azure butterfly. Even though the butterfly is small (an inch or so - maybe), and even though few people probably pay much attention to them, one detail about the spring azure is quite interesting. As an adult, this butterfly will only live a few days. Think about that - it has just emerged as a butterfly and already it is approaching old age and the end of life. That almost seems tragic, but is nature’s way. I hope this butterfly enjoys what time it has left.
Spring Azure Butterfly - Image 822031
This past week I was traveling. While away I photographed a few things worth sharing. Let’s begin with this tick-covered deer. The tick infestation was worst on the backs of the ears. I wonder if it will survive this blood-sucking health challenge.
Whitetail Deer on Lake Jacomo - Image 821721
Whitetail Deer on Lake Jacomo - Image 821737
In one of the coves on Lake Jacomo we found many of the mascot birds - turkey vultures. Most were in trees along the shore, but some were wading the edges.
Turkey Vultures - Image 821495
Turkey Vultures - Image 821406
We did see several great blue herons too. This was my favorite GBH picture of the outing.
Great Blue Heron - Image 821164
In the Independence, Missouri area I had two “First” observations for me - a giant leopard moth and American water willow plants. Thanks for finding the moth Holly!
Giant Leopard Moth - Image 821003
American Water Willow - Image 820966
We did see sailboats too.
Sailboat on Lake Jacomo - Image 821365